Once per round may stand up from seated or prone as an incedental.
Ataru Technique
(1) AS:[1]
May use Agility for lightsaber checks.
(1) P:[1]
Increase ST by 1 per rank.
Keen Eyed
(1) P:[2]
Remove 1 setback from all Vigilance and Perception checks per rank. Reduce the time it takes to search an area by half.
Animal Empathy
(1) P:[1]
When making checks to handle or tame animals, add force dice up to force rating to the check. Spend 1 pip to add success or advantage to the check.
Animal Bond
(1) P:[1]
Develop a long-term bomd with a single animal of silhouette no greater then half force rating rounded down.
Force Rating
(1) P:[1]
Gain +1 Force Rating.
Mental Bond
(1) P:[1]
Take the Mental Bond action to commit a force die. May communicate with the bonded animal at long range and see and hear through it's senses.
Share Pain
(1) P:[1]
May use the Share Pain incedental when the bonded animal suffers wounds. Reduce the wounds suffered to half, the character suffers wounds equal to the number of wounds reduced.
(1) AS:[1]
Once per round, may draw or holster a weapon or item as an incedental.
(2) AS:[1,2]
If weilding a lightsaber or melee weapon and hit by a melee or lightsaber attack, may suffer 3 strain to reduce damage taken by 2+ranks.
Saber Swarm
(1) AS:[1]
Take the saber swarm manuevre; suffer 1 strain to have next Agility - Lightsaber check gain the linked quality equal to force rating during check.
(2) AS:[1,2]
If weilding a lightsaber or melee weapon and hit by a ranged attack, may suffer 3 strain to reduce damage taken by 2+ranks.
Hawk Bat Swoop
(1) AS:[1]
Take the Hawk Bat Swoop Action; make an Agility - Lightsaber check against a target in short range, adding force dice up to force rating. Spend 1 force pip to engage the target and spend 1 force pip to add 1 advantage to the check.
Saber Throw
(1) AS:[1]
Take the Saber Throw action; make a lightsaber combat check as a ranged attack at a target within Medium range, adding force dice nor greater then force rating. Must spend 1 pip and succeed to hit the target and spend 1 pip to have the weapon return to hand.
Improved Parry
(1) AS:[1]
When parrying a hit that generated dispair or 3 threat, may hit attacker once with lightsaber, melee, or brawl weapon, dealing base damage, after the original attack resolves.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Ebb and Flow
Ebb: When you make a skill check you may roll an Ebb power check as part of the roll. The user may spend 1 force pip to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. (May not be activated multiple times.)
Flow: When you make a skill check you may roll a Flow power check as part of the roll. Spend 1 pip to heal 1 strain. (May not be activated multiple times.)
(1) Strength V1
The force user may spend 1 pip to increase the strain healed or inflicted by 1.
Knight Alarii's master was an Ascetic who spent much time meditating on the nature of the force at various nexuses around the galaxy. Layne himself was always more martial in prowess, but he did possess a less conventional intelligence. Layne possesses a greater than average capacity for empathy, providing as many problems as it solved, seemingly. Layne was a prodigy of the Ataru Technique. During his many journeys throughout the galaxy he could see the growing distaste for the republic in many of the outer-regions. While he hadn't expected the Republic and Seperatists to go to war, he wasn't suprised when the CIS formed.
Jedi Knight Thael Alarii
23 Years of Age
6ft 1in
Brown hair
Green eyes
Dressed in casual clothing with armor plating underneath.
Other Notes
Free rank in Cool and Mechanics
-30 for agi 3
-40 for agi 4
-30 for cun 3
-10 for lightsaber 2
0 left after creation
+300 for GotR knight level
-5 for "Jump Up"
-10 for "Ataru Technique"
-15 for lightsaber 3
-20 for Pathfinder specialization
-5 for "Grit"
-10 for "Keen Eyes"
-15 for "Animal Empathy"
-15 for "Animal Bond"
-20 for "Force Rating"
-20 for "Mental Bond"
-25 for "Share Pain"
-5 for "Quickdraw"
-15 for "Parry"
-20 for "Saber Swarm"
-5 for "Parry"
-10 for "Reflect"
-15 for "Reflect"
-20 for "Hawk Bat Swoop"
-25 for "Saber Throw"
-10 for "Ebb and Flow"
-10 for "Strength: Ebb/Flow"
0 Remaining after bonus
+25 for an mission I wasn't involved in. (Maybe I was off having my own adventure?)