Nad'zane'yilon by Kragar30

Alchemist; Magus
Force and Destiny

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 1
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 2
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Crossguard Lightsaber
Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder


Weapons & Armor

Armored Clothing
(+1 Soak; +1 Def; HP 1; Encum 3)
Neural Charm (Hidden Purpose)
Crossguard Lightsaber Hilt
(HP 3; Encum:1)

Personal Gear

Backpack (Encum +4, Increase Encum threshold by four)
Medpac (Encum 2, No negative to medicine checks, add a BO, free stimpack per scene)
Stimpack *4 (Heal 5 wound, reduce wound recovered by 1 per use, resets every day)
Antidote Set (Encum 1, Reduce difficulty of checks to resist poison by two. If the person does not know what poison was used, make a Hard Know(Und) check to figure it out)
Breath Mask (Encum 1)
Glow Rod (Encum 1)
Field Ration Pack *4
Hardened Comlink (Encum 1)
Archaeological Kit (Encum 1)
Mending Tonic *1 (Fortifying)
Elixir of Vigor *3 (Fortifying)
Draft of Prowess *2 (Fortifying)
Healing Potion *1 (Reviving)
Fand's Ashes *1
Poison *2 (Draining *2)
Reclaimed Kyber Crystal

Assets & Resources

Journals of Jedi Master Pyron Fand Volumes I & II [Counts as the right tool for the job on Alchemy checks. Unfortunately, due to Pyron Fand's dealings with the Dark Side, using the book to learn a new Template or just reading it is worth 1 Conflict]

Journal of Jedi Knight Nad'zane'yilon

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Infra Vision 1 Remove SB for lighting conditions
Researcher 1 UP Pg. 27 Remove SB pr from Knowledge checks, reduce research time by half
Stimpack Specialization 1 UP Pg. 27 Stimpack heal 1 additional wound pr
Stim Application 1 UP Pg. 27 Take the Stim Application action, make an average medicine check, if succesful, 1 engaged ally increases 1 char by 1 for the remainder of the encounter and suffers 4 strain
Blooded 2 UP Pg. 27 Add BO pr to all checks to resist/recover from poisons, venoms, or toxins. Reduce duration of ongoing poisons by 1 round pr, to a minimum of 1
Knowledgeable Healing 1 UP Pg. 27 When healing an ally, spend 1 Destiny Point to heal additional wounds equal to ranks in Know(Xeno)
Identify Ingredients 1 UP Pg. 27 After being exposed to a substance, as an oot incidental, may roll FD no greater than FR. Spend 2 FP to immediately identify its composition and effects.
Force Rating 1 UP Pg. 27 Gain +1 Force Rating
Presence Dedication 1 UP Pg. 27 Gain +1 Presence
Alchemical Arts 1 UP Pg. 27 After making a check to craft a potion or talisman may suffer strain up to twice ranks in Alchemical Arts. For every two strain, add LS or DS to results.
Toughened 1 UP Pg. 29 Gain +2 wound threshold
Healing Trance 1 UP Pg. 29 Commit FD. For every full encounter FD remains committed heal 1 wound per rank of Healing Trance.
Secret Lore 1 UP Pg. 29 Remove SB per rank of Secret Lore from all Knowledge(Lore) checks. Reduce difficulty of all Knowledge(Lore) checks by 1.
Resolve 1 UP Pg. 29 When involuntarily suffering strain, suffer 1 less strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of 1.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Spend FP to sense all living things within short range or spend FP to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged
Upgrade Effect
Path I (Control A) Commit FD, once per round when an attack targets this character the attack is upgraded once
Path I (Control C) Control A's effects upgrade the check twice, instead of once
Path I (Control B) Control A's effects may be triggered one additional time per round
Spend 2 FP to gain insight into the general location of a person or object or spend FP and succeed at an average vigilance check or vigilance vs. discipline opposed check to see through illusions
Upgrade Effect
Control A Ongoing Effect. Commit FD, Upgrade the ability of Vigilance and Perception checks once.


Taken from Csilla at a young age by the New Jedi Order, Zane was raised as a Jedi Mystic. His mentor, Jedi Knight Zariann Cavboun, was a part of the Eclipse Knights and was padawan under Jedi Master Pyron Fand before he disappeared. Zariann had hoped to raise Zane to become another Eclipse Knight and take her place, but Zane had always been more interested in the stories Zariann told Zane about Fand. After searching through the Jedi Archives, Zane found the Journal of Fand, and started his study of the alchemical arts.


The Dark Side of the Force


Emotional Strength - Discipline
Emotional Weakness - Coldness
Conflict: 4
Morality: 85


Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Build: Scholarly?
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Glowing Red
Notable Features: Has a serious burn on the upper-right of his face, from a failed attempt to create Fand's Ashes (See below).

Other Notes

Alchemy Templates
Poison [Material Price/Rarity: 500 credits/4; Check: Easy Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 2 hours] - When affected by poison, the target must immediately make an Average Resilience check. Failure means they suffer 5 wounds plus 1 strain per TH rolled.

Healing Potion [Material Price/Rarity: 1000 credits/5; Check: Average Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 2 hours] - When consumed, the user immediately heals 1 Critical Injury with severity of Hard or less. Cannot regrow a lost limb. Recipe *1 [Difficulty -1]

Elixir of Vigor [Material Price/Rarity: 600 credits/6; Check: Hard Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 4 hours] - When consumed, the user increases their Brawn by 1 but reduces their Willpower by 1 until the end of the following round.

Mending Tonic [Material Price/Rarity: 200 credits/4; Check: Average Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 2 hours] - When consumed, the user immediately heals 6 wound. In addition, if the user is a force-sensitive, they may roll FO equal to their FR, for every LI they heal 1 strain, and for every DA they heal 1 additional wound, but suffer 1 strain. Recipe x2 [Difficulty -2]

Draft of Prowess [Material Price/Rarity: 1000 credits/8; Check: Daunting Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 6 hours] - When consumed, the user may automatically upgrade their combat checks by one for the remainder of the encounter, or for one hour of narrative time, as if they had ranks in that skill. In addition, the user gains the talent Dodge (1 Rank) for the duration of the potion. Recipe x1 [Difficulty -1]

Fand's Ashes [Material Price/Rarity: 800 credits/6; Check: Daunting Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 9 hours] - Whenever this potion's liquid comes into contact with oxygen it super-heats the area around it. All ground in a Engaged radius around the potion turns into lava, meaning anyone who enters it will suffer 10 wound per round inside the AoE and receive Burn 3, with the "base damage" being 10. The Burn will not stack for every turn inside the AoE. The atmosphere within Short range becomes a corrosive atmosphere of level 10, but it will take one full round before this takes effect. The AoE will last for the remainder of the encounter (Or one hour of narrative time). If ingested, the potion inflicts the user with Burn 5 and the "base weapon damage" is 10. (Special Note: A roll of 3 TH, a DE, or 3 DA may be spent by the GM to have the potion erupt during it's crafting)

Truth Serum [Material Price/Rarity: 400/6; Check: Hard Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 3 hours] - Whenever this potion is consumed, the user must tell the truth for 1 hours of narrative time. The user may attempt to resist the effects of this potion by making a Daunting Discipline check. This, for the purposes of adding abilities, is considered a harmful potion. Recipe x2 [Difficulty - 2]
Talisman Templates
Shield Amulet [Material Price/Rarity: 300 credits/4; Check: Easy Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 2 hours] - Once per session when the user would suffer damage from either a Force power or from a Force-augmented attack the user may choose to reduce the damage inflicted by half.

Neural Charm [Material Price/Rarity: 1200 credits/7; Check: Daunting Discipline/Know(Lore); Time: 6 hours] - While wearing this talisman, the user may suffer up to their Intellect in strain when making a Knowledge check. If they do, they add BO equal to the amount of strain they suffered to the check. Blueprint x1 [Difficulty - 1]

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