WHen hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Nobody's Fool
70 F&D
May ugrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks once per rank of NF.
70 F&D
When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
70 F&D
Gain +1 strain threshold.
Defensive Training
70 F&D
When wielding a Lightsaber, Melee, or Brawl weapons, the weapon gains the Defensive quality with a rating equal to ranks in DT.
Niman Technique
70 F&D
Use Will for Lightsaber checks
70 F&D
Gain +2 wound threshold
Sense Emotions
70 F&D
Add boost to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks unless target is immune to the Force.
Sum Djem
70 F&D
May spend Crit or 2Advt with successful Lightsaber check to disarm opponent.
Draw Closer
70 F&D
Perform the Draw Closer action: making a Lightsaber (Willpower) melee combat check against one silhouette 1 (or smaller) target within medium range and adding a number of º no greater than Force rating to the check. The character may spend Ω before resolving the success or failure of the check to move the target one range band closer to the character. He may also spend Ω to add ≥ to the combat check. If the character cannot move his target to engage him, the combat check automatically misses.
Center of Being
70 F&D
Take the CoB maneuver. Until the beginning of next turn, attacks against the character increase their critical raitng by 1 per rank of CoB.
70 F&D
Gain +1 to one characteristic (no greater than 6).
Force Assault
70 F&D
Spend Crit or 3Advt on a missed Lightsaber check to immeditaly perform Move action as maneuver.
Force Rating
70 F&D
Gain +1 to Force Rating
Improved Center of Being
70 F&D
Suffer 1 strain to perform CoB maneuver as an incidental.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The character can hurl objects by making a Move power check and rolling a ranged attack as part of the pool. The attack’s difficulty is equal to the silhouette of the object being thrown (default is silhouette 0) and only succeeds if they can also spend enough FORCE POINTS to move the object. The attack deals damage equal to the object’s silhouette times 10 (silhouette 0 deals 5 damage) plus 1 per net SUCCESS. To throw multiple objects, they must generate enough FORCE POINTS to move multiple objects, and must use rules for Auto-Fire to determine difficulty and targeting.
The character may spend FORCE POINTS to stress the mind of one living target they are Engaged with, inflicting 1 strain. The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. IF the character spends FORCE POINTS and succeeds on the check, they can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 3 rounds or 15 minutes.
Barksho was taken as an infant to the Jedi temple to train. His master, a human female, trained him until the age of about 13, when the Purge happened. Teem and his master were stationed above Anaxes, to amke sure the planet stayed loyal to the Republic. His master valiantly fought to keep Teem alive, but as their shuttle escaped to the planet below, she died of her wounds. Teem was left to fend for himself on a world overrun by clones. Planet side, he repaired and befriended an old B1 Battle Droid named Roger, and together they rode out the Dark Times. Some years later, they cobbled together enough money to buy the HK (hick), and left Anaxes for good. In their travels, they picked up Jericho and Trude as crew members. Barsho has faced Maime once, but never fought him directly.