A character from this background came from a society outside of the galactic norm. This includes isolated planetary systems not yet marked on the maps, prison colonies, or even the rare case of a character growing up in solitude out in the wilderness. The character is probably ill-informed about or completely unaware of the politics, customs, and even technology of the rest of the galaxy. He may be superstitious of the strange sights around him or embrace the wonders that he encounters.
This choice works better for some careers than others - a Mechanic from a primitive world stretches credulity, for example - unless the player and GM come up with a good reason for this to happen. Maybe the Mechanic character was the sole survivor of a downed ship on a backwater planet and learned his skills from tinkering with the ship's equipment.
Of course, the player must come up with a good reason regarding how the character managed to leave his isolated or primitive upbringing. Perhaps his character was brought back to civilization by an explorer or slipped on board a trade vessel that landed on his planet.
Source(s): Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, Page 37
Dundee is a Pantoran raised in the bush by native tribesmen. As such has a strong connection to and knowledge of flora and fauna from first hand experience.
As he got older he felt a pull of wanderlust and started to travel the galaxy.
Dundee is a naturally charismatic person and as no trouble getting along with others even if he might find their ways strange from his own. The need to make ones way in greater galactic society is no different from dealing with people among his tribe, just bigger and a little more complicated.
The Bushman leveraged his understanding of nature to make money as a Scout, Guide, and projection to clients going to the more wild planets in the galaxy.