Toughened |
6 |
145 Edge of Empire |
The character increases his wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened. |
Frenzied Attack |
2 |
135 Edge of Empire |
When making a Melee or Brawl combat check, the character may suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the ability of his combat check by that number. The number cannot exceed his ranks in Frenzied Attack. |
Feral Strength |
3 |
135 Edge of Empire |
The character deals + 1 damage to one hit on all successful Brawl and Melee checks per rank of Feral Strength. |
Lethal Blows |
3 |
138 Edge of Empire |
The character adds + 10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents. |
Knockdown |
1 |
138 Edge of Empire |
After hitting with a melee attack, the character may knock the target prone by spending a triumph the target is larger than the acting character, it requires one additional triumph for each silhouette larger. |
Enduring |
2 |
135 Edge of Empire |
Character gains + 1 soak value per rank of Enduring. |
Natural Brawler |
1 |
139 Edge of Empire |
Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Brawl or Melee check. |
Defensive Stance |
2 |
134 Edge of Empire |
One per round on the character’s turn, the character may perform a Defensive Stance maneuver to assume a defensive stance against incoming melee attacks. He then suffers a number of strain no greater than his ranks in Defensive Stance. Until the start of the character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all melee combat checks targeting the character a number of times equal to the strain suffered by the character in this way. |
Dedication |
1 |
134 Edge of Empire |
Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the player’s choice by one point. This cannot bring a characteristic above six. |
Durable |
1 |
135 Edge of Empire |
The character may reduce a Critical Injury result he suffers by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of one. |
Grit |
1 |
136 Edge of Empire |
Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by one. |
Brace |
2 |
Online |
As a maneuver, the character may Brace himself. This allows a character to remove a Setback Die (Black Die) per rank of Brace from the next skill check based on changing conditions: inclement weather, unstable surfaces, zero gravity, heavy gravity, or other disruptive physical obstacles that would make a skill check more difficult. |