Born on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla within The Ascendancy, Currus'ial'inrokini (henceforth referred to in basic as Sialin) always had a penchant for learning and exploring. He spent his adolescence and early adult life pursuing a career in the xenological sciences. Not content with living in the subterranean realms of Csilla, he yearned to go off-world and become a field scientist.
Upon receiving the necessary training and education he would need to hunt, find, study, and document various alien lifeforms as well as survive within their environments, Sialin left The Ascendancy to begin his research. He was especially concerned with finding rare and endangered organisms to document their xenological properties into record. Mythical creatures, and the archaeological records surrounding entire cultures of sentient lifeforms were also of keen interest to him.
Upon reaching portions of the galaxy held by the Empire, Sialin would find promising leads on rare organisms turn into dead ends time and time again. Upon reaching planets, he would find them stripped of resources into desolate wastelands by the Empire. This occurrence had become frequent enough the Sialin reached a breaking point. If his research was ever to progess, he needed to be rid of the Empire.
Sialin's quest for knowledge and documentation of rare aliens and cultures motivates him. The Empire represents an impediment to his research, so naturally they must be taken out of the way.
Sialin is of medium height and build. He has short black hair and the red, pupiless eyes of a Chiss. He is fairly muscular and conditioned to survival in inhospitable environments because of its necessity to his research.