Augmented armor enc 6 soak 3 defense 2/3 hp 8/8
(Energy dispersion system, increase soak by 2 against strain damage)
(Cortosis weave, ignore pierce and breach)
(Strength enhancing mod, brawn +1, 2 athletics skill mods)
(Bio feedback system, +4 strain threshold)
(Boot blade, -1 crit and 2 pierce 1 mods)
(Enhanced optics suite, -2 setback due to obscuring factors, 1 vigilance mod)
Harbinger of anger enc 4 hp 2/2
(Mono molecular edge, serrated edge)
(Battle tested, boost to discipline checks and resist fear)
(Can be changed to a chained blade as a maneuver, loses breach and sunder, range changes to short)
(When used by anyone but janus, loses breach sunder and vicious)
Exolgoves enc 2 hp 1/1
(Increase brawn by 1, Built in grappling hook, fire medium range as an action, spend maneuver next turn to reel in. Average ranged light check)
(Stun pulse, 2 stun mods)
Stun cloak enc 2
(3 charges, when hit by a melee, lightsaber, or brawl attack, combatant takes 7 strain damage consuming a charge. Recharging takes 3 minutes)
Cortosis shield gauntlet enc 1
(May be used with the reflect talent)
Protective talisman, heal 1 strain when using this (may breathe in vacuum or underwater, negates burn, not affected by environmental affects like fire, acid, corrosive atmospheres, cold, etc)
Corrupted stone, once per session may take 2 conflict and 2 strain to reduce number of pips on incoming force power. Pip is banked as ds and may be used to boost your own force power. Pip is consumed upon use
Dark side cloth, 1 enc. Once per encounter may spend 3 strain to add a ds pip to a force power. Maneuver to equip
Assets & Resources
Items left at bunker:
Custom toolkit boost to mechanics checks
Medical backpack enc 2
(Adds boost to med checks, free stimpack once an encounter, decrease difficulty of checks to heal critical injuries by 1)
Bowcaster enc 5 hp 0/2
(Must be cocked using maneuver before firing)
Heavy hydrospanner, add advantage to all mechanics checks enc 2
Flechette launcher
2 thermal detonators
Cybernetics 5/7 cap
Bio feedback regulator +2 cybercap
Strength enhancing cyberarm +1 brawn
(Exoglove built in)
Strength enhancing cyberleg +1 brawn, built in computer tool
Cybernetic eyes, +1 ranks of vigilance and perception
Surge override switch
(Make average discipline as an action, if successful you may restart any number of deactivated cybernetics, suffering 2 strain per)
Brain enhancement +1 int
250c rarity 1
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
+2 wound per rank
Remove setback equal to ranks from all mechanics checks. Modding attachments cost half
Add boost or remove setback equal to ranks from crafting checks
+1 strain
Armor master
+1 soak when wearing armor
Lethal blows
+10 to crits per rank
Once per round may draw an item as an incidental
Precise aim
Once per round, may per- form Precise Aim maneu- ver. Suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks in Precise Aim, then reduce target's melee and ranged defense by that number.
Death blow
After making a successful attack with a non-starship/ vehicle weapon, the charac- ter may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to his Willpower to one hit of the successful attack.
Marked for death
May perform maneuver. Commit force die and add 2 adv to attacks on marked target. May not use this talent again until the target has died or the session has ended
Force rating
Improved armor master
+1 defense when wearing soak 2 or higher armor
+1 int
+1 hp to one item per rank
Falling avalanche
May spend 2 strain to add damage equal to brawn on one lightsaber hit each round
Comprehend technology
As an action may make an average education check to use force rating as skill ranks for one item once per session
Saber throw
Make a ranged lightsaber attack up to medium. 1 force pip to hit, 1 to return
Force Powers
Force Rating
May spend lp to heal system strain from one engaged starship. You may use this multiple times
Commit force die. One damaged weapon counts as being undamaged
May add force die to mechanics rolls, trading lp for successes or advantage
Spend force point to immobilize target up to short until the end of your next turn. If any dp is spent, the target takes damage equal to force points
Strength (x2)
Spend dp to disorient target a number of rounds equal to upgrades
May commit 3 fr to sustain effects on affected targets
Range (x2)
May spend a pip to increase range to long
May spend a pip to pull target closer or farther away
May spend pip to move sil 0 object up to short range
May spend pip to increase range equal to upgrades
Can rip items off mountings or out of peoples hands
Make a ranged combat check combined with a move power check to hurl items, doing 10x silhouette damage
Strength x2
May spend pip to up silhouette to 2
Barely even an apprentice when the empire subjugated mandalore, janus' apprenticeship at a great beskar forge was cut short. She watched as gunships soared overhead and star destroyers placed themselves in orbit. Her father and brother, Garus and Tevon, were some of the many fields of recruits slain during the night of a thousand tears, and her family, now shattered, fled. She continued her training in forging, but she was miserable, having no family of her own, and eventually she knew she needed to leave the planet if she hoped to ever really be something. She forged herself a greatsword, and used her last remaining credits to charter a ship offworld, taking up her great grandmothers mandalorian helmet and saying goodbye to the clan mother.
Her adventures took her halfway across the galaxy, but she found that life outside of a clan was almost worse than life inside of one. She was angered by this, and decided that she would stake claim to her own dominion, and none would stand in her way. She found a suitable planet, asserting her control on several of the small villages there. Any who opposed her were executed, and it was only through the assistance of a gank assassin the villagers hired that she was driven out, a bounty placed on her head once she cut the assassins arm off as she fled. Once again on the run, she realized this was no way to live, and repressed her warlord tendencies under a cheerful personality, ready to start over...
Janus regrets what she used to do, and tries her best to hide it. All she wants is to start over and gain a real family she can trust
Morality 39
Darkside user
Pride: janus takes great pride in her work and strives to be the best
Cruelty: having only learned from the warriors of her ancestry, janus's only response to violent problems is often great cruelty
Obligation 7 bounty: janus angered a very powerful crime syndicate by nearly killing one of their best assassins as she fled the world she had subjugated. Now the assassin, a gank, is hunting her down
Obligation 5 debt: losing her arm, janus relied on outside sources to replace it with that of a cybernetic, gaining a debt of 5000 credits on the way
Gundark 1 tally
Hississ dragon 1 tally
Konqueror head 1 tally
Rancor 1 tally
Inquisitor symbol 1 tally
Janus stands at 6,2. A warrior from birth, she's well built and sturdy. A cybernetic arm has replaced her right arm, which bolsters her strength to an even greater magnitude. Her armor is that of her own design, an augmentative suit. It provides full body protection, and is coated in a custom reflec coat, redirecting any bolts and blades that aren't a direct hit. This armor increases her height to 6,4. She wears a horned mandalorian helmet, once used by Gar Saxon. She wears a simple cloak of course black fabric woven with stun wiring. A necklace in the shape of a shining star hangs from her neck.