Hal was the son of a senator on Corellia. He had the most privileged of upbringings. He had little direction though and his parents bought his way into good schools that he barely passed classes. He often took the lazy way out bribing or cheating his way through school. The one thing that seemed to spark his interest were racing and drugs and how they affected the mind and body. He quickly became addicted to various spices but continued to pursue the study of pharmaceuticals trying to improve their effects and lessen any unwanted side effects.
After being busted for drugs he was thrown in jail for a short time before his parents could buy his freedom. Having enough stain put on their name they gave him a pile of credits and disowned him and shipped him off to the outer rim.
He now seeks to make his way however he can. Even though he was not a very good doctor in the core compared to what was available on the outer rim he was better then most and that one skill is what had value and access to drugs....
Better Living through Chemistry
Drug study and improvements
Addiction 10
Hal is a male human in his young 20s. He is of average height but very thin. He has a gaunt and sickly look to him. He has thick brown hair usually a mess and dark brown eyes. His clothing is dirty and unwashed and he has little other apparent possessions. He wears a large overcoat that seems to big for him.