The Polis Massan known as Observer ("Ob" to his friends) is an endlessly curious sentient. Assigned to Alliance Command as a data and intelligence analyst, he was shipped off with a fleet bound for the Lantillian Sector. Barely surviving the disaster near New Raltiir, Observer has been working alongside Alliance Intelligence to develop local information networks.
With a continuing lack of fleet personnel, however, Observer has been reassigned to duty in the Starfighter Corps as a navigator and electronic warfare technician. Polis Massans are peaceful by nature, but Observer will do his duty as long as he is required to. If that means firing on TIE fighters, at least he can pretend it's all just another sim...
Belief: Peace. Observer, like many of his people, sees the Galactic Civil War only as a necessary evil. He will do anything in his power to spare lives on both sides of the conflict, and will seek peaceful resolutions where possible.
Intelligence: 0 - As an Analyst, Observer is on the lookout for any useful data on Imperial Operations in the sector. Any piece of data can help, no matter how small. Anything from Imperial Battleplans to what the local governor had for breakfast this morning can aid the Rebellion.
Observer is small for a member of his species. He wears a set of standard Alliance technician's coveralls, pockets filled with small tools and gear. A backpack contains his medical equipment, dear to the heart of any good Polis Massan.
He wears a massive blaster pistol strapped to his tiny waist. A gift from a friend at Alliance Command before he shipped out, he has yet to fire it at anything. He carries it out of respect for his friend, but would prefer to never use it.