The Down and Out:
The player may decide that the character comes from humble or hardscrabble beginnings. Characters from this type of background strive to better themselves and do their utmost to escape their plight. The character either trains incessantly, picking up knowledge any way that they can, or simply is tough and resourceful enough to go out on their own.
The character desires the freedom to do what they want. This could be a passion to overcome one or more of their current Obligations or to see others freed from the shackles of bondage and servitude in all its forms.
The PC has a deep sense of duty that they feel compelled to fulfill, such as military service, making good on a contract, or following some sort of thieves' code. Unlike the Oath Obligation (see below), a Dutybound character has some legal or ritualistic bind to an organization or cause making it extremely difficult or detrimental if they fail to live up to that commitment.
Erol, just like his ancestors, was born into the bodyguarding business for Hutts. In Erol's case, he was born into Teemo's business and was forced to be a bodyguard with the rest of his family and friends due to the contractual duty his ancestors agreed to. However, Erol knew how limitless the universe was and he wanted to explore it.