Merick by haulade

Soresu Defender
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 0
Ranged 0

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 - 1 setback +
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0 1 Advantage
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0 - 1 setback
Deception (Cun) X 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) X 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0 -1 setback
Survival (Cun) X 1
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 2 1 sucess when holding custom lightsabers 1 auto advantage
Melee (Br) 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0 -1 setback
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Basic Lightsaber
Breach 1, Sunder
2 Advantage
Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting
5 Advantage
Merrick's Red Saber
Primary: Breach 1, Sunder 1, Secondary: Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 1, + 1 success, Crit requierment -1
1 advantage


Weapons & Armor

Merrick's Red Lightsaber:Encumbrance: 1
Hard Points: 5
Rarity: 4
Price: 12,635
Type: Lightsaber
Categories: Lightsaber
Damage: 8
Range: Engaged
Critical: ω
Skill: Lightsaber
Hands: One-Handed
Qualities: Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 1

Personalized Design: When the lightsaber's creator makes a successful Lightsaber check, an automatic ☼ is added. All others add automatic ♼.
Personalized Inlay: Reduce the difficulty of checks to modify any crystal installed in this lightsaber by 1.

Etaan Crystal (Changes Base Damage to 6 Mod, Changes Base Critical Rating to 2 Mod, 1 Grant Quality (Breach 1) Mod, Quality (Sunder) Mod, If wielder uses the Improved Reflect talent to inflict an automatic hit, increase damage by 2., 1 Damage +2 Mod, 1 Quality (Vicious 1) Mod, 1 Decreases Critical by 1 Mod, 1 Innate Talent (Parry) Mod)

Basic Lightsaber
Concealing Robes
Padded Armor

Personal Gear

Holo-Messenger -1
Medpac -1
Stimpack -2
Chance Cube -1
Jedi Utility Belt -1
Jedi Multi-Tool -1
medkit -1 (used two times)

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions

10 strain from force use.


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Conditioned 1 F&D 77 The character removes ■ per rank of Conditioned from his Athletics and Coordination checks. He re duces the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Coordination.
Conidence 1 F&D 95 The character may decrease the difficulty of any Dis cipline check to avoid the effects of fear by one per rank of Confidence. If he decreases the difficulty to zero, he does not have to make a Discipline check.
Defensive Stance 2 F&D 77 & F&D Once per round on the character’s turn, the character may perform a Defensive Stance maneuver to defend against incoming melee attacks. He then suffers a number of strain no greater than his ranks in Defen sive Stance. Until the start of the character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all melee combat checks tar geting the character a number of times equal to the strain suffered by the character in this way
Grit 2 F&D 77 & F&D Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by 1.
Parry 5 F&D 77 & F&D & Etaan Crystal When the character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber combat check, after damage is calculat ed (but before soak is applied, so immediately after step 3 of Perform a Combat Check, page 210), the character may take a Parry incidental. He suffers 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by that hit by a number equal to 2 plus his ranks in Parry. This talent may only be used once per hit and when the charac ter is wielding a Lightsaber or Melee weapon
*Counterstrike F&D 77 Force talent. Whenever and generates a Dispair or 2 threat, upgrade the next lightsaber(cunning) check against attacker. once per encounter
*Parry (Supreme) F&D 95 Force talent. If the user did not make a combat check during his previous turn, he suffers 1 strain when tak ing the Parry incidental, instead of 3.
Reflect 1 F&D 95 Force talent. When the character suffers a hit from a Ranged (Light), Ranged (Pleavy), or Gunnery com bat check, and after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied, so immediately after step 3 of Per form a Combat Check, page 210), he may take the Reflect incidental. Fie suffers 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by that hit by a number equal to 2 plus his ranks in Reflect. This talent may only be used once per hit and when the character is wielding a Lightsaber weapon.
Dedication 2 F&D 77 & F&D 95 Each rank permanently increases a single characteris tic of the player's choice by 1 point. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6.
*Shien Technique F&D 77 Force talent. When making a Lightsaber skill check, the character may use Cunning instead of Brawn
*Soresu Technique F&D 95 Force talent. When making a Lightsaber skill check, the character may use Intellect instead of Brawn
Street Smarts 1 F&D 95 The character removes ■ per rank of Street Smarts from his Streetwise and Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Toughened 2 F&D 77 & F&D The character increases his wound threshold by 2 per rank of Toughened.

Force Powers

Force Rating
The Force User's Action Empower himself or sap Strength from his foes.

Ebb: When the Force user makes a skill check, he may roll an EBB POWER CHECK as part of the roll. The user may spend O to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. The Force user may not activate this multiple times.

Flow: When the force user makes a skill check he may roll an Flow Power Check as part of the roll. the user may spend O to heal 1 strain. The force user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude Spend O to exclude number of targets equal to magnitude upgrades purchased fro being affected.
Range spend OO to affect all other characters at short range
Strength: Strain The Force User may spend O to increase the strain healed or inflicted by 1
The Force user can move small objects Via the power of the Force.

The user may spend O to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
Upgrade Effect


Conflict brings change, and change brings opportunity. Many in the galaxy are unsatisfied with the status quo—especially as it exists under Palpatine's rule. The Alliance's war against the Empire provides an extraordinary chance to topple the current order and bring about more desirable changes. Whether those changes are oriented toward reestablishing the Republic as it was or installing a new structure altogether depends on the individual's frame of mind.

Many who seek such change are genuinely altruistic in their goals. They recognize the evil of the Empire and the suffering it brings. They're motivated to end this evil, and the Rebellion's organization and resources offer the best possibility of accomplishing their goal. Whether they join the Rebellion simply because they were made aware of Imperial atrocities and destructive policies, or because they and their loved ones have been directly victimized by the Empire, is for the players to decide.

Others have less idealistic, perhaps even selfish, goals. Current policies might cut into their ability to make a profit in their chosen vocation or damage the business they choose to run. Perhaps a character has run afoul of Imperial authorities one too many times, and he sees an alliance with the Rebellion as his best chance of escaping the less-than-tender mercies of the Empire's justice. Some PCs may simply see a chance to grab some credits and valuable assets while helping to strike against the Empire's forces.

A technician or engineer could have had his designs rejected by Imperial agents, and the Alliance is providing him a chance to vindicate his work. A politician or political operative might have been ousted when the current regime took power; the Rebellion provides an opportunity to reclaim a sense of purpose and authority. A pilot deemed unfit for service and rejected by the Imperial Academy would consider flying for the Alliance a chance to prove his worth at the controls of a starfighter.

Source(s): Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook, Page 43

Conflict brings change, and change brings opportunity. Many in the galaxy are unsatisfied with the status quo—especially as it exists under Palpatine's rule. The Alliance's war against the Empire provides an extraordinary chance to topple the current order and bring about more desirable changes. Whether those changes are oriented toward reestablishing the Republic as it was or installing a new structure altogether depends on the individual's frame of mind.

Many who seek such change are genuinely altruistic in their goals. They recognize the evil of the Empire and the suffering it brings. They're motivated to end this evil, and the Rebellion's organization and resources offer the best possibility of accomplishing their goal. Whether they join the Rebellion simply because they were made aware of Imperial atrocities and destructive policies, or because they and their loved ones have been directly victimized by the Empire, is for the players to decide.

Others have less idealistic, perhaps even selfish, goals. Current policies might cut into their ability to make a profit in their chosen vocation or damage the business they choose to run. Perhaps a character has run afoul of Imperial authorities one too many times, and he sees an alliance with the Rebellion as his best chance of escaping the less-than-tender mercies of the Empire's justice. Some PCs may simply see a chance to grab some credits and valuable assets while helping to strike against the Empire's forces.

A technician or engineer could have had his designs rejected by Imperial agents, and the Alliance is providing him a chance to vindicate his work. A politician or political operative might have been ousted when the current regime took power; the Rebellion provides an opportunity to reclaim a sense of purpose and authority. A pilot deemed unfit for service and rejected by the Imperial Academy would consider flying for the Alliance a chance to prove his worth at the controls of a starfighter.

Source(s): Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook, Page 43

The simplest reason for a character to live on the fringes of society is the basic desire to grasp some opportunity or challenge oneself. A character from a hard, poor background may strive to better himself and jumps at the first chance to improve his lot. A well-off character may be bored with the steady rhythms of high society or realizes that his chances for advancement must come from his own hard work rather than waiting for things to occur. Lastly, this could be as simple as making a spur of the moment decision to board a starship bound for some far-flung part of the galaxy.

Source(s): Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook, Page 37


My master is missing and presumed killed. I am looking for the Sith Lord Kane whom I believed killed him


The character has a personal moral code, and never crosses the line it delineates. Others learn to respect the character's principles, but for this character, it is personal honor that matters, not what others think.

Source(s): Knights of Fate, Page 16

Caring overly for others, especially victims, can lead the character to desire revenge against those who made them suffer. Only when such targets are tracked down and brought low can balance be restored.


Other Notes

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