On his first mission out, he scored an Ace by taking out four TIEs with a single torpedo, followed by fifth later in the fight. He was later recognized by the fleet for his actions, and despite being a new recruit, he's made it on several fleet motivational posters, including one reading "Engineering/Fleet - We Got Each Other's Backs!".
Mission - Operation Squire: +30XP, +10 duty, +300cr, +24h downtime. CR0
Reimburse Tychus 1200cr for shoddy work.
Mission - Operation Housebreak: +55XP, +20 duty, +400cr, +24h downtime. CR1
Mission - Operation Low-Battery: +45XP, +25 duty, +400cr, +24h downtime. CR1
CR1 Rewards: (A) Mechanics Workshop (20enc), (B) Available
Crafting Session: -10h, -600cr - Built Specialist Tools (Mechanics, Lightweight 1, Enc 7), Simple Tools (Computers, Superior Quality. Lightweight 1, Enc 3)
Installed Tools in lab, -10enc
Mission - Operation Sight Analysis - +25XP, +15 Duty, +400cr, +24h downtime. Mission Report +5 Duty. CR1
Mission - Operation Hotel Suite - +20XP, +15 Duty, +400cr, +24h downtime. Mission Report +5 Duty. CR1
Trade 96h downtime for +20 duty
Mission - Operation Synchronicity - +20xp, +20 Duty, +500cr, +24h downtime. Promoted to Deckman. CR2. -450cr paying for pit droid given to wookies.
CR2 Rewards: (A) additional workspace (Computers), (B) spare parts bin
Mission - Operation Synchronicity II - +25xp, +20 Duty, +500cr, +24h downtime.
Mission - Operation Trustfall II - +25xp, +20 Duty, +500cr, +24h downtime. KILLED IN ACTION.