Picked up by the Jedi Order at a young age, Jed was trained in combat and found he enjoyed it
Jed wishes to make his mark on the galaxy, be it through battle or teaching others (typically how to fight)
Morality: 80
Duty: 55
Duty Type: Combat Victory
As a Dotuwin, Jed leans towards conflict and shows of strength to achieve victory
Jed likes to analyze a situation, knowing what he can before charging into a fight, be it to take down a foe or save lives
Large: Dowutins have a silhouette of 1 or 2, chosen at character creation. (SIL 2 CHOSEN)
Immovable: Dowutins who suffer the immobilized condition, are knocked prone, or are otherwise moved against their will may, as an out-of-turn incidental suffer 3 strain to avoid the effect. Dowutins that are of silhouette 2 suffer only 1 strain.