The Outsider
Ker Qeek has lived most of his life in the welcoming mists of Gand, which call to him even now. Prior to his first mission he had met very few people from outside his own species, and rarely had to concern himself with the strange customs common throughout the rest of the galaxy. He has adapted quickly, but there is still much he does not know.
Ambition: Religion/Spirituality
Ker Qeek longs to be a Findsman, though he has only taken his first step into the mists, and fully holds himself to their creed. Therefore, once he has agreed to help find a thing, he will dedicate himself to doing so no matter where it leads. Those who aid in a finding are owed a debt that must be paid, ideally with another finding.
Obsession (10)
Master Findsman T'rokuk Dezu had hinted that Ker Qeek could learn from him, but always insisted that he was not yet ready. So when T'rokuk Dezu disappeared while on an investigation on the junk planet, Ker Qekk resolved to follow his trail, find the Findsman, resolve the investigation, and prove his worth as an apprentice.
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Build: Slim
Skin: Raw Sienna
Eyes: Multifaceted
Ker Qeek dresses in a sturdy tunic and robe, though it has seen better days. He also carries a force pike, though he swears it is similar to the shockprod of a master Findsman.