Pako by obeydajefe

Age of Rebellion

Threshold 16
Current 3
Threshold 11
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 Vanguard
Charm (Cun) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 2 $$
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Cun) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1 Vanguard
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Int) X 3 Soldier/Species/$
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 3 Heavy/$$
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 1 Soldier
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1 Soldier
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3 Soldier/Heavy/$
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 2 $$
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


DLT-19D Heavy Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Cumbersome 3, Accurate 2, Pierce 2, Auto-fire, CHB* see talent
Plasma Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 10, Limited Ammo 1
Pierce 2, Vicious 1


Weapons & Armor

Cybernetic arm:
--> Grants +1 Agility

DLT-19D Heavy Blaster Rifle:

Plasma grenade X2:

Riot Armor:
- +2 Soak

Vibroknife -

Personal Gear

Load-Bearing Gear -

Helmet Mounted Combat Scanner -

Macrobinoculars -

3x Stimpacks -

1x Military Traumapac -

1x Emergency Medpack -

Assets & Resources

Exp Spending:
80 (species) on Characteristics
- 40 exp for Agi Rk 3 --> Rk 4
- 40 exp for Int Rk 3 --> Rk 4

50 on Talent Tree:
-30 exp for the following 6 5 exp tier
--> Toughened Rk 1
--> Burly Rk 1
--> Barrage Rk 1
--> Bodyguard Rk 1
--> Conditioned Rk 1
--> Rapid Reaction Rk 1
- 10 exp for Brace Rk 1
- 10 exp for Moving Target Rk 1

- 100 exp on skills
--> 20 exp to add
Vanguard Specialization
--> 15 exp for Survival Rk 3
--> 15 exp for Ranged Heavy Rk 3
--> 25 exp for Gunnery Rk 3
--> 25 exp for Mechanics RK 2

Critical Injuries & Conditions

10 —> 20


Name Rank Book & Page Description
(Species Passive) 1 You may use Survival in the place of Cool or Vigilance checks when rolling for Initiative
Toughened (passive) 1 Increase Wound Threshold by 2/rank (2)
Burly (passive) 1 Reduce equipped weapons cumbersome and encumbrance ratings by 1/rank (1)
Barrage (passive) 1 Add 1 damage/rank (1) to 1 successful attack made with Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery to targets at long or extreme range
Brace (Manuever) 1 once per turn, may use a manuever to reduce 1 black die/rank (1) added to attacks due to environmental effects
Bodyguard (Manuever) 1 Once per turn as a manuever, spend strain and increase the difficulty of incoming attacks on an engaged ally by 1/rank (1)
Rapid Reaction (on initiative) 1 May spend 1 strain/rank (1) to add an equal number of successes to your initiative roll
Conditioned (passive) 1 Remove 1 black die/rank (1) from athletics and coordination checks, and reduce wound or strain damage from falling by the same number (1)
Moving Target (passive) 1 If you have already acted this turn, increase ranged defense by 1/rank (1) per round
CHB* 1 Chui Home Brew weapon balance Add a black die to attack rolls made with this weapon when not firing from cover or while prone. This black die is duplicated when Autofire is activated.


Pako, like many Shistavanens targeted for their prowess as hunters and agile trackers, became an early victim of the gluttonous will of the Empire when he was kidnapped at a young age in order to be "repurposed". He was pitted against his own friends in nonstop combat in order to strip him of his identity and morality, and in a final vicious bout, his arms were badly wounded...though not as much as his psyche, after staring at the body of his best friend who he had just slaughtered.

Pako then was forced into undergoing surgery on his ragged arms, which resulted in the cybernetic enhancements he wears today; these arms allow him to comfortably wield heavy weapons, while also being a constant reminder of the things that were sacrificed for his survival.

Though the facility where he was being "repurposed" was eventually destroyed and liberated by a rebel attack, Pako had suffered too much torment; all that remained of his identity was survival instincts, and affinity for large guns, and the cold-blooded gleeful pursuit of violence...This hardly made him an ideal candidate for the more discrete and subterfuge based warfare that the rebellion was trying to wage, so he given as a ward to the little known - but oft-aligned - Dormum Korr.

Pako found himself in a unit made up of other lost and violent comrades just like him, and though he is far from healthy friendships, he has nonetheless fallen into a pattern of jovial familiarity within his cohort.

"Grab the cannons and tequila hombres, it's time to lay waste to these pendejos!"


Pako lives day to day, neither seeking to, nor believing anyone has control over the future; if he should die tomorrow, so be it. He would miss his mech, he thinks, and dispatching his foes. Mangy dog or not, they will run in fear, or fall in agony.

The power to kill is the only power he has ever really had, so he will do it in any way he can; maybe he will modify his mech for ever more creative brutality, open up on a squadron from close range, or post up in a tree 200 yards away and empty a few helmets. Maybe he will dodge traps and defenses, sabotage plans, and get away clean.

These are all the ways that Pako survives, all the ways he outlives someone else, until he doesn't. After all he has sacrificed to survive, shouldn't it amount to something? Even if that something is just that the entire empire knows about his red right hand


1. Combat Victory:
The Player Character is driven to show that the Alliance can hold its own against Imperial forces in any troop vs. troop engagement. He wants to engage the Empire’s military—their best, whenever possible—and provide more victories for the Alliance to tout to the galaxy as proof it can ultimately win the war. This means daring raids, excellent tactics, and acquiring the best firepower possible.

2. Sabotage:
The largest and most powerful military force in the history of the galaxy is also the most vulnerable to acts of destruction and asset denial. The character is focused on disrupting Imperial operations in any way possible, whether it’s the manufacture of weapons, troop movements, supply shipments, banking systems, or any other key operation, in order to make the Empire act more slowly and less capably. Truly showy acts of destruction also work to erode a population’s will to support the Empire, or so the PC often believes (though the Alliance expressly forbids actual acts of terrorism).


Pako is a stout Shistavanen, about 5'5" in height, with a noticeable beer belly hanging from an otherwise very sturdy frame. While most shistavanen are entirely covered in fur, Pako appears more like a mangy street dog, with large patches of fur missing and others matted down with caked blood and scar tissue. The scar tissue around his cybernetic implants appears to have never healed properly, which isn't made any better from Pako's unconscious but incessant scratching.

Despite his rather unsightly demeanor, Pako nonetheless often carries an easy smile on his face, which reveals a quite intact jawful of sharp teeth. His eyes though are not so different from those of a rabid dog, and he often appears on the edge of going completely feral, which isn't helped by the bubbling drool he is known to foment when gleefully in the thick of battle.

Pako embraces friendship with the duality of one who knows to value things because they don't last, and who knows he may be the one to make sure they don’t . He is so used to being used, he decides to take joy in his merciless mission, and cares for his tools of death as though they were extensions of his body. He might as well be good at the only thing he can do anymore, si o no?

Other Notes

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