Remove 1 setback die imposed due to arid or hot environment.
Center of Being
When wielding a lightsaber and an enemy makes a melee attack targeting the character, the critical rating of the enemy’s weapon counts as two higher.
Improved Parry
When struck by a melee attack but before applying Soak, suffer 3 Strain to reduce damage by 6. When parrying a hit that generated 1 despair or 3 threat, may hit attacker once with a wielded Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber weapon dealing base damage, after the original attack is resolved.
Improved Reflect
When struck by a ranged attack but before applying Soak, suffer 3 Strain to reduce damage by 6. When reflecting a hit that generated 1 despair or 3 threat, may hit one target within Medium range dealing the same damage as the initial attack, after the original attack is resolved.
Lightsaber Throw
Make a Lightsaber check against a target within Medium range, adding up to Force rating: spend 1 force pip for attack to succeed and 1 force pip for lightsaber to return to hand.
Upgrade the difficulty of any combat check targeting this character four times.
Nemesis Action
Lord Giza takes a second turn at the end of each round.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Committing force dice allows Lord Giza to wield a number of lightsabers equal to committed dice through the force.