Bad Cop |
1 |
May spend 2 Advantage from a Deception or Coercion check to upgrade ability of a single ally’s subsequent Social Interaction check against the target a number of times equal to ranks |
Durable |
1 |
May reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per ranks, to a minimum of 1 |
Expert Tracker |
1 |
Remove a setback die per ranks to find track or track targets. Decrease time to track a target by half. |
Good Cop |
1 |
May spend 2 Advantage from a Charm or Negotiation check to upgrade ability of a single ally’s subsequent Social Interaction check against the target a number of times equal to ranks. |
Grit |
2 |
Gain +1 Strain per rank |
Point Blank |
2 |
Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to damage of one hit of successful attack while using Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) skills at short or engaged range. |
Quick Draw |
1 |
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental |
Street Smarts |
1 |
Remove setback die equal to ranks from Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) checks |
Toughened |
1 |
Gain +2 Wound per rank. |