RA-7R served as a protocol droid to a Kuati diplomat, Giddean Danu, during the Galactic Civil War. He was used as an interpreter as well as a way of passing information about Imperial ship production at the Kuat Drive Yards. Most tended to not pay a droid any mind, allowing him copy information from restricted areas without being noticed.
Intelligence- RA-7R has one or more contacts within the New Republic Intelligence network from his time in the Rebel Alliance and has been drawn into doing more for the New Republic. He proved to be a valuable asset in the past and has sought out greater responsibilities to help protect what his old master fought for during the Rebellion.
Counter-Intelligence: RA-7R knows that the survival of the fledgling New Republic depends upon its ability to predict any emerging threats and avoid the resurgence of the Empire. To this end, he wants to hunt down and eliminate enemy agents and threats, feed false information across intelligence networks, and protect New Republic military secrets from observation and reporting.
RA-7R is a shiny black metallic protocol droid with a long, snout-like vocalizer and goggle shield optical sensors. His voice is very dry and posh-sounding.