When a character involuntarily suffers Strain, they suffer 1 less Strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of 1.
When making a Medicine check to help a character heal Wounds, the target heals 1 additional Wound per rank of Surgeon.
Bacta Specialist
Patients recover 1 additional Wound per rank of Bacta Specialist when they recover wounds from bacta tanks or long term care.
Gain +1 Strain Threshold.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around them.
The user may spend 1 Destiny Point to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).
The user may spend 1 Destiny Point to sense the emotional state of one target with whom they are engaged.
Spend 1 Destiny Point, the user senses the current thoughts of one living target with whom they are engaged.
Middle Class Struggles
Sometimes a character comes from modest, but comfortable conditions prior to entering a life of adventure. This broad category could include anything from a skilled technician, minor political official, professional soldier, or any other lifestyle that typically involves hard work—but with the pay to make it worthwhile.
The Fugitive
The galaxy is full of those on the run from something or someone. Some people may be pursued by bounty hunters, while others may be fleeing local governments, corporations, or even the Empire.
The Weak / Charity
The character fights for the underdog, disliking bullies and totalitarianism. They'll put the interests of those in need before their own and may donate time or money to aid the less fortunate.
Debt (5)
Aside from the running debt most Colonists have at the local cantina, unforeseen financial setbacks are a regular part of life on a newly colonized world. All the expensive lessons for dealing with restless natives, flora, fauna, or environmental conditions on that particular planet have yet to be learned. Most times, the only way to stay afloat is by going to the deepest pockets in town and begging for a loan.
Bounty (5)
This is a variant on the standard Bounty Obligation. The bounty may only be issued locally, without the weight of the Empire behind it. These bounties are technically illegal, and attract ruthlessly competent hunters independent of any guild or government. By changing their identity and hiding out in some obscure backwater colony world, Colonists with this Obligation can avoid detection for years. However, the level of violence these individuals can bring upon their town when the truly skilled bounty hunters finally track them down can endanger the whole colony.
Dark Vison: When making skill checks, Arkanians remove up to 2 Setback Die due to darkness.
Other Notes
Sonic Blaster
The sonic blast generated by the Sonic Blaster cannot be parried or disrupted by a Lightsaber.