The Accidental Rebel:The vast majority of the sentient beings of the galaxy have no desire to join the Alliance or serve in the Rebellion. They may not be ardent supporters of the Empire, but this doesn't mean they are willing to drop everything in their lives to go blasting away at hordes of stormtroopers or weaving a dilapidated starship through swarms of TIE fighters. They would rather go about their business and live their lives, hopefully out of the way of any battles or other trouble.
Unfortunately for some hapless individuals, the galaxy has other plans. Cases of mistaken identity can result in innocents becoming wanted for crimes they never even considered. Receiving goods marked for Alliance use may find one or more PCs fleeing for their lives from Imperial agents or hired mercenaries. A friend's— or even casual acquaintance's—involvement with the Rebellion can saddle a character with unintended guilt by association. Of course, there are times when people simply find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time and have no choice but to become heroes.
Alternately, unexpected situations may cause an epiphany for someone who was previously not interested in getting involved. While it may be easy to ignore tales of injustice and atrocity when they happen far away from an individual's daily life, many individuals have altogether different reactions when they come face-to-face with the horror of the Empire's policies. Apathy is difficult to maintain when someone watches another sentient executed for speaking out, a family enslaved because of their species, or an entire population wiped out for political expediency.
In such situations, a person's apathy can quickly turn to anger. That anger, in turn, often turns to action, usually with violent and irrevocable consequences. Once steps are taken toward open and direct opposition, such a character has joined the Rebellion in spirit, even if not yet in fact.
Connections - Underworld
Intelligence: The PC knows that every victory hinges on knowing as much about the Empire's military might and other assets as possible. He is driven to gather any and all potentially useful data, wishing to locate vital and vulnerable targets for Rebellion forces to strike at. He not only wants to know what the Imperial military factions are up to. but also the state of technological research, economic policies, and other aspects of Imperial strength.
Starting Duty: 10