Visionary Opportunist: Nando dislikes both the Republic and the CIS because of the Ban on Slugthrowing Weapons, the only thing that the two governments seem to agree on. Nando is putting together a presentation of Blasters vs Slugthrowers on various animals and is planning on presenting it to Alexerus and Count Dooku, hoping they side with her and make it legal.
Crime: Nando supports the idea of unregulated hunting as well as a lift on banned Slugthrower Weapons on different classes of creatures.
Obsession: Nando loves guns. Her whole identity revolves around guns. She especially loves Slugthrowers. She is a vocal advocate of legalizing Slugthrowing weapons and believes them to be superior to blasters. She feels that there should not be a weapon and animal class system that tells a hunter how to hunt or what to hunt with.