Tharil comes from a small Harch community on Coruscant, far from his species' homeworld of Secundus Ando in the Mid Rim. He has grown up on the capital world surrounded by some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy and has grown accustomed to it.
Tharil is a "devout" member of the Jedi in the sense that he has an intense belief in the Force, but is not blindly loyal to the order as an institution. While he spent his early years on Coruscant, that changed when he became a padawan to Master Miry Letto, an eccentric and deeply meditative selonian. Together they visited planets that held many quite places away from civilization, whether that was due to their remote location such as Lah'mu, or because of the culture of the world, such as with Kashyyyk, as well as planets significant in the history of the Jedi like Ahch-To or Jedha. In their visitations to these worlds they would stay for weeks or months at a time, taking in the planet's natural wonder and meditating on the Force, while enjoying simple lives among common folk, who they aided with knowledge and healing whenever possible.
As his master told him, Tharil's path must be his own path, it cannot be dictated for him. Tharil remembered the value and benefit of advanced technology but also learned to appreciate a simple life free of materialism and attachment. In his own philosophy he combined these principles; that individuals and society can learn to have fulfilled lives without material dependency or attachment while still benefiting from technology and using it to improve society.
From both his time as a padawan and from learning of his race's militancy and alliance with the Seperatists, Tharil developed a great disdain for violence and militarism. He is not a complete pacifist however, all people are entitled to self-defense, but one should never be the initiator of violence on either an individual or societal scale. As a result of this philosophy Tharil is very conflicted in the matter of the Jedi being involved in the galactic civil war, but also recognizes that being involved, at least as peacekeepers, mediators, and providers of humanitarian aid, is important to preventing the war from escalating even further than it already has.
Tharil feels a responsibility as someone with power and training to take some form of action in the war. Despite his personal abhorrence of violence in anything but complete self-defense, Tharil feels the matter of the civil war is of too much importance to let his own personal code prevent him from taking any action. The threat the Separatists pose to the peace and stability of the galaxy, and as a result to the health and safety of the common people, is too great to ignore. Though he hopes for a peaceful resolution, Tharil will not avoid joining republic military operations as an advisor and support operative for medical treatment, computing, and mechanical operations.
Tharil seeks spiritual enlightenment through the Force, allowing it to guide his actions and to one day become one with the Force.
Tharil abhors violence against organic beings but has less reservation about fighting against the robotic hordes of the separatists. As a consular his talents are related to knowledge and information, putting his intellect and wisdom to use as an advisor and physician for the soldiers of the republic.