Ryloth, the home planet of the Twi'leks, is a dry, dusty planet with precious little to offer for anyone looking to get rich. In fact, its most valuable (some would say only valuable) export is the illegal spice called Ryll. Consequently, many of the rich and powerful on Ryloth are smugglers, crime lords, and thugs, sometimes capturing innocent Twi'leks and forcing them to labor in the spice mines.
Oskara was always quick, clever and lucky enough to stay ahead of the press gangs…but her sister Makara was not. When Makara was nabbed by Aqualish thugs, Oskara had to act fast to keep her sister out of the mines. She offered her own unique services to the gang leader instead, claiming to be an experienced bounty hunter. Surprisingly, her first job for the gang went well and Oskara soon thrived under the tutelage of a veteran hunter named Gyax. She was called on to perform more and more duties for the spice mining gang, and as long as she did well Makara was safe.
But then Oskara was "loaned out" to a Hutt gangster on Tatooine named Teemo and things started to come undone. Teemo paid her quite well, but in the course of her bounty-hunting work for the Hutt she uncovered a plot against the Ryll-mining gang on Ryloth. The Hutt was going to seize their territory…and there would be no more guarantees of safety for Makara. Oskara decided to team up with Teemo's favorite gladiator, a Wookie named Lowhhrick, and one of his best pilots, a human named Pash. Alongside her new companions, Oskara has sent a warning to her compatriots on Ryloth and is now fleeing Teemo's revenge. They have managed to escape the planet on a stolen freighter, but she knows all to well that Hutt's don't like being bested.
+5 obligation- Oskara and her compatriots have a bounty on their heads from Teemo the Hutt.
+10 obligation (starting)- Oskara is obligated to care for her younger sister Makara and mainly to keep her out of the ryl mines. Before now, she was using her connections to Teemo the Hutt as a means of providing for her through bounties.
+5 obligation (starting)- Oskara is obligated to ensure that the ryl mining gang that currently "owns" her sister is in power because it is through her connections with them that she is able to protect her sister.
Oskara seems jaded and cynical at first, having seen much of the worst the galaxy had to offer at a young age. She is careful not to get too attached to anyone or anything. She is a professional bounty hunter and takes a serious approach to her work, focusing on results rather than any emotional considerations.
Oskara is a light blue-green shade Twi'lek. While she has been known to do whatever it takes to survive, she hates the slave girl twi'lek stereotype. She often dresses like any other bounty hunter or smuggler, and is quite willing to shoot those who give her unwanted advances.