Weapons & Armor
Phase 1 Clone Armor w/ integrated comms Enc 1 (4) HP 3
DC-17 Hand Blaster Enc 2 HP 3
- may run out of ammo on 3 threat or 1 dispair result
M8 Combat Knife Enc 1 HP 1
3 EMP grenades Enc 3 (1)
SX-21 Pump-Action Scatter Blaster Enc 6 HP 2 (4)
- Forearm Grip: Decrease the additional difficulty of making Ranged (Heavy) checks with this weapon while engaged to an additional purple die (rather than an additional 2 purple die)
- Electronic Sighting System: Allows the shooter to aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decrease the difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions by 1
-Augmented Spin Barrel: damage +1 adds a black die to mechanics checks on this weapon for maintenance.
-Enhanced Xciter: decrease crit rating by 1, generating 2 dispair on a combat check using this weapon makes the weapon explode and the user gets an automatic critical injury
- During a successful check against a target at engaged range, the SX-21 has the Pierce 4 item quality rather than the blast 6 item quality