Nomund Jones Kor was born in 37 BBY on the planet of Pamarthe. Nomund lived on his family estate in a home on on the shore of one of Pamarthe's main islands, and enjoyed running up and down the piers as a young boy. He learned how to sail a boat and fly a starship at a very young age as all Pamarthen children did. When he turned 18 in 19 BBY, his warrior spirit and crave for adventure led him into enlisting into the Imperial Military. As a soldier in the Imperial Army, Nomund fought against remaining holdouts of Separatists in the Outer Rim from the Clone Wars. Eventually, he enlisted into the Imperial Flight Academy after his deployment and trained as the top of his class, befriending many of his fellow students. Sometime after being a TIE Pilot for many years, in 14 BBY he suffered a loss that crippled and sent his starfighter plummeting into a nearby planet. After the conflict in space was over, the Empire jumped into hyperspace out of the system and left him marooned, an act he was personally offended by. Abandoned by his comrades and forced to find himself a way offworld, he returned to his home planet Pamarthe. Since then, he has inherited a Corellian YT-2000 called "The Ark" which once belonged to his father, a former famed racer and mechanic. On Pamarthe he began taking on cargo and passengers as a freighter pilot to gather just enough credits to modify his freighter himself and equip it sufficiently before making a name for himself in the Outer Rim as a skilled pilot and a gunslinger. Nomund operated in the Outer Rim for 6 years smuggling goods, working as a hired gun both in space and on solid ground, and hunting bounties while simultaneously attempting to hide from his past in the Empire.
Freedom: Nomund desires the freedom to do what he wants. He serves nobody but himself and wishes greatly for both he and others to be released from all types of servitude or bondage.
Place of Origin: Nomund is deeply prideful of where he grew up on Pamarthe. Nomund strives to better Pamarthe and its people and will defend it with his life.
Betrayal (0): Nomund was left marooned on Abafar by the Empire and has condemned the act as cowardly and dishonorable. He seeks no revenge nor has any ill will to the Empire however has sworn to never associate himself with them again. He recently ran in to his old Imperial friend who also feels betrayed by Nomund and not understanding why Nomund didn't find his way back to the Empire.
Notoriety(15): Nomund Kor, for better or worse, is well known as a famous Captain in various sectors of the Outer Rim Territories of space. He is most recently known for his ruthless piracy, and is without a doubt someone to be feared, but is more so famous for his smuggling, a skill he boasts a near spotless track record for. He is mostly known by past associates (former crew members & "business" partners), victims of piracy, past employers, people who have heard tales of The Ark and all the ships it has plundered, or of the various small rival pirate crews it had engaged in battle and subsequently destroyed. Some may consider such tales to be myth and legend, others who know better know to respect - even fear him.
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Height: 6'1
Build: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Notable Features: Wears a brown leather jacket, with a white shirt, dark brown pants and boots. Concealing robes are of Pamarthen design and make, and appear rugged however also provide excellent protection against the elements.
Personality: Nomund, like many Pamarthens, is well known for his courage & gusto, especially when it came to flying - and fighting. Nomund displays a carefree attitude however has a deep, caring commitment to those that he professes to love, especially his family. He is deeply connected with his homeworld, and is extremely prideful of where he's from. To keep him from going "soft" while off world, he keeps a shrine to Pamarthe in the Captain's cabin of the Ark, consisting of various paintings, objects, a bottle of the very potent Port in a Storm, and an ancient sword still in it's original sheathe that has been passed down through generations of his family since the ancient times, when warriors ruled Pamarthe and enjoyed flashy and thrilling duels with old swords. He is ill concerned about the state of the Galaxy under the Empire and deep within is still a patriot at heart despite his immense feeling of being betrayed, and is deep down still supportive of the Empire's rule; all he is concerned about is the state of himself and his homeworld. Credits are an excellent motivator for Nomund as it helps him feed himself and keep his ship running smoothly. He prides himself in his ability to maintenance his ship and keep the interior and exterior looking new and fresh all the time, even in it's advancing years. He is an extremely brave man, but also carries a hot, fiery temper, and it is rare for him to turn down a challenge. Overall, he supports freedom in every way and desires to serve nobody but himself, and despises things like slavery that take away the freedom that he constantly enjoys.