Desert Dwellers |
1 |
FaD (SWR02) 62 |
When making skill checks, Twi’leks may remove a setback imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions. |
Toughened |
4 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 & AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Gain +2 Wound Threshold. |
Grit |
5 |
FFG (SWR10) 108, AoR (SWA02) 67 & AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Gain +1 Strain Threshold. |
Dedication |
3 |
FFG (SWR10) 108, AoR (SWA02) 67 & AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. |
Pride and Joy |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Choose one starship or vehicle I own with a silhouette of 3 or higher. It becomes my "Pride and Joy" vessel. I upgrade the ability of all social skill checks I make while within short range of the vessel once. |
Kill with Kindness |
2 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Remove a setback per rank of Kill with Kindness from Charm and Leadership check. |
Signature Vehicle |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Choose one starship or vehicle as Signature Vehicle. Upgrade all Mechanics checks made on that vehicle once. |
Rapid Reaction |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of Successs to Initiative checks. Strain suffered cannot exceed ranks in Rapid Reaction. |
Inspiring Leadership |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Take the Inspiring Leadership action by making an Average Leadership check. If successful, a number of allies not exceeding my rating in Presence within short range add an automatic success result to their next skill check. |
Full Throttle |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Take a Full Throttle action; make a Hard Piloting check to increase a vehicle's top speed by 1 for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. |
Trust the Captain |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
May take the Trust the Captain action; make a Hard Leadership check. If successful, for the remainder of the Encounter, allies within Short range increase their ranks in Discipline by an amount Equal to ranks in Trust the Captain. |
Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters |
2 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Increase the Handling of the Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank. |
Inspiring Rhetoric |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Take the Inspiring Rhetoric action; make an Average Leadership check. One ally for each success, in Short range, recovers 1 strain. For each advantage, one ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional strain. |
Improved Full Throttle |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Suffer 1 strain to attempt Full Throttle as a Maneuver and decrease its difficulty to Average. |
Formation Tactics |
1 |
May take the Formation Tactics action; make a Hard Leadership check. If successful, may choose a number of allies within Short range equal to successes generated. Upgrade the difficulty of attacks against these allies once until the end of their next turn. |
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains a boost dice on all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to ranks in Leadership; this does not stack with itself |
Skilled Jockey |
2 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Remove a setback per rank of Skilled Jockey from Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) checks. |
Improved Formation Tactics |
1 |
The difficulty of Formation Tactics is reduced to Average. May spend a Triumph of 6 Advantages to have the effect last until the end of the encounter. |
Defensive Driving |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Increase defence of Vehicle or Starship being piloted by 1 per rank of Defensive Driving |
Larger Project |
2 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Signature Vehicle can have a Silhouette 1 larger per rank of Larger Project. |
Tricky Target |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Count Vehicle or Starship piloted as having a Silhouette 1 lower when being attacked. |
Bolstered Armour |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Increase the Amour value of the Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Armour. |
All-Terrain Driver |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
Do not suffer usual penalties for driving through difficult terrain when using Piloting (Planetary). |
Most Impressive |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
May spend a triumph result from any skill check to allow a number of allies not exceeding [their] rating in Presence within short range to add an automatic advantage result to their next skill check. |
Gearhead |
3 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 & AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Remove a Setback per rank of Gearhead from all Mechanics checks. Halve the credit cost to add mods to attachments. |
Fortified Vacuum Seal |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Increase the Hull Trauma Threshold of the Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Fortified Vacuum Seal. |
Fine Tuning |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
When repairing system strain on a Starship or vehicle, repair 1 additional system strain per rank of Fine Tuning. |
Reinforced Frame |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
The Signature Vehicle gains the Massive 1 quality. |
Not Today |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Once per session, may spend a Destiny Point to save the Signature Vehicle from destruction. |
Supreme Pride and Joy |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
While inside my Pride and Joy vessel, once per session, as an incidental, I may reduce its Silhouette by 2 for the remainder of the round and the following round. |
Field Commander |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Take a Field Commander action. By successfully passing an Average Leadership check, a number of allies equal to Presence may immediately suffer one strain to perform one maneuver. This does not count against the number of maneuvers they may perform in their turn. If there are any questions as to the order in which the allies act, the character using Field Commander is the final arbitrator. |
Customized Cooling Unit |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Increases the system strain threshold of the Signature Vehicle by 2 per rank of Customized Cooling Unit. |
Good Cop |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
Spend two advantage results from a Charm or Negotiation check to upgrade the ability of a single ally's subsequent social interaction skill check against the same target in the same encounter. Upgrade the ability a number of times equal to the character's ranks in Good Cop. A single check may only benefit from one use of Good Cop. |
Fancy Paint Job |
1 |
AoR (SWA25) SoT 31 |
Upgrade all Charm, Deception and Negotiation checks made in the presence of the Signature Vehicle once. |
Supreme Full Throttle |
1 |
AoR (SWA02) 67 |
When taking the Full Throttle Action/Maneuver, the ships top speed increases by 2 instead of 1. |
Improved Pride and Joy |
1 |
FFG (SWR10) 108 |
While inside the Pride and Joy vessel, recover 1 additional Strain whenever recovering Strain and spend advantage on checks made to allow and ally also within the vessel to recover 1 strain. |