Physical Training |
1 |
Add 1 boost die per rank to all Athletics and Resilience Checks |
Prime Positions |
2 |
When this character or an ally in Short range takes cover, he increases Soak against ranged attacks by 1 per rank of Prime Positions until he leaves that cover. |
Tactical Advance |
1 |
The character may suffer 2 Strain to make the Tactical Advance incidental. Until the end of the character's next turn, the character and allies within Short range may leave cover and continue to receive its benefits |
Improved Tactical Advance |
1 |
The character may spend 2 advantage from any check they make or 2 threat from a combat check targeting them to make the Tactical Advance incidental (instead of suffering Strain) |
First Among Brothers |
2 |
When the character makes a check that does not generate any threat, the check gains 1 advantage per rank. These additional advantages may only be spent to affect allied clones. |
Field Commander |
1 |
Take the Field Commander action; make an average Leadership check. A number of allies equal to Presence may immediately suffer 1 Strain to perform one free maneuver. |
Command |
1 |
Add 1 boost die per rank to all Leadership checks. Affected targets add 1 boost die to all Discipline checks for the next 24 hours. |
For The Republic |
1 |
When an ally is incapacitated or killed, the character can make a Daunting Leadership check. If successful, the ally is not defeated until the end of the following round. |