Weapons & Armor
Phase I ARC Trooper Armor Enc 2 (5) HP 0 (4)
*Built in comlink. Removes 1 setback die from all Perception checks made by the wearer. Integrated load-bearing harness increases the wearer's encumberance threshold by 3.
Integrated Ascension Gear HP Req-2:
As an action, make an Average (2 difficulty) Ranged (Light) check to secure grappling hook to an object within medium range. Reel in cord as an action to pull self to object (or other way around if object is unsecured. Can pull someone else along as well with an Easy (1 difficulty) Athletics check.
Integrated Holsters HP Req-2: Encumbrance +4. May holster up to 2 weapons of Encumbrance 3 or lower in the armor (weapons do not count towards encumbrance threshold while holstered).
2 DC -17 Hand Blasters Enc 4 (2) HP 2 (3)
*May run out of ammo on a 3 threat or 1 despair result.
Paired Weapons HP Req-1: Reduces advantage results required to hit with the secondary weapon when two-weapon fighting with this pair of weapons by 1.