Hota Uzui, Female Mirialan
Mirialans start with a rank in Cool and Discipline. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation. Initial 100 XP
20 Duty for +15 XP/+1000 Credits
Intelligence 3, Cunning 3, Willpower 3 (110/115 XP)
+10 XP Recruit spec not taken, +15 XP SFL Boost, Heroic : +150 XP, + 9000 Credits from Heroic Start
(Total at creation 290 XP, 10000 Credits)
Free ranks : Computers 1, Deception 1, Perception 1, Stealth 1 // Cool 2, Discipline 2
Skills (70 XP spent)
▪Charm 1/2, Deception 2/3, Perception 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise 1
▪Ranged (Light) 1
Sleeper Agent Talent Tree (10XP spent)
· 5: □ □ ■ ■ Cunning Persona / Well Rounded
10: □ □ □ □
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □
Marshal Talent Tree (30+25 = 55XP spent)
· 5: □ □ ■ □ Street Smarts
10: □ □ ■ ■ Bad Cop / Quick Draw
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □
Skip Tracer Talent Tree (40+5 = 45XP spent)
· 5: □ □ ■ □ Good Cop
10: □ □ □ □
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □