E'ocenda by xcomprestige

Niman Disciple; Makashi Duelist; Knight; Sage; Seer; Ascetic
Force and Destiny

Threshold 28
Current 0
Threshold 48
Current 0
Ranged 18
Melee 16

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 2
Athletics (Br) 4
Charm (Pr) X 5
Coercion (Will) 4
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 5 +2 blue
Coordination (Ag) X 4
Deception (Cun) 5
Discipline (Will) X 5 +2 blue
Leadership (Pr) X 5
Mechanics (Int) 5
Medicine (Int) 5
Negotiation (Pr) X 5 +2 blue upgrade twice
Perception (Cun) 5
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 4
Resilience (Br) 3
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 3
Vigilance (Will) 5 +2 blue
Brawl (Br) 4
Gunnery (Ag) 4
Lightsaber (Will) X 5
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 5
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 5
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Accurate 5, Defensive 6, Deflect 5, Linked 1, Stun 12, Vicious 8


Weapons & Armor

Traditional Miralukian Dress (Armourweave)

Personal Gear

Vision Cube
Meditation Focus (Ornate Mask)

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Force Powers

Force Rating
This force power may be used by an individual to feel what others feel and sense the presence of living beings.
The user may spend FP in order to sense the presence or thoughts of living beings.
Upgrade Effect
Control Ongoing Effect: Commit FD. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, she upgrades the attack once.
Strength When using Sense's ongoing effects. upgrade the attack twice, instead of once.
Duration Sense's ongoing effects may be triggered twice a round.
Control Ongoing Effect: Commit FD. Once per round, when the Force user makes an attack, she upgrades the attack once.
Range 3 Spend FP to increase range of power by ranks purchased.
Magnitude 3 Spend FP to increase targets affected by ranks purchased.
Many Force users develop the ability to shift objects without physically handling them, moving matter with the power of the mind. Those with a modicum of training in the skill can cause small objects to slowly and painstakingly rise, fall, or travel in space. True masters of the Force are rumored to be able to hurl starships about or juggle heavy crates in the air. Other applications of the power allow for Force users to manipulate control panels or computer keyboards at a distance. There is thought to be no limit what a Force user could move with the application of enough concentration.

When moving items, the default speed is slow and deliberate, not fast enough to inflict injury or accurate enough to allow for fine manipulation.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude 4 Spend FP to increase targets affected by ranks purchased.
Range 3 Spend FP to increase range of power by ranks purchased.
Control The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings, or out of an opponents grasp.
Strength 4 Spend FP to increase silhouette being targeted by ranks purchased.
Control The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets, by making a ranged combat check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette.
Force users often have precognitive flashes, experiencing waking dreams or visions about people and situations through their abilities. These powers are rarely so clear and obvious as to provide unequivocal visions of the future, but they are certainly enough to give Force users pause for thought when they have a "bad feeling about something".

The power of foresight has been used in countless different ways by countless different Force users throughout history. Some use it to gain vague images far into the future, while others use it to predict the movements of their foes or see an unexpected event soon to happen.
Upgrade Effect
Range 2 Spend FP to increase range of power by ranks purchased.
Magnitude 2 Spend FP to increase targets affected by ranks purchased.
Control When performing a Forsee power check as part of an initiative check, the user may spend FP to allow all affected targets to take on free maneuver before the first round of combat begins.
Duration 2 Spend FP to increase the days into the future user can see by ranks purchased.
Strength 2 Spend FP to pick out specific details by ranks purchased.
Control When making a skill check to determine initiative, the user may roll a Foresee power check as part of the pool. The user may spend FP to add Success to the check. Affected targets add 2 to their melee and ranged defense for the first round of combat.
Ebb & Flow
This force power allows one to either sap the stamina from their opponents, or empower themselves.
Ebb: When the user makes a skill check, he may roll an Ebb power check as part of the roll. The user may spend FP to suffer 1 strain, then inflict 1 strain on all other engaged characters. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Flow: When the user makes a skill check, he may make a flow power check as part of the roll. The user may spend FP to heal 1 strain. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Strength The Force user may spend FP to increase the strain healed or inflicted by 1.
Strength The Force user may spend FP to increase the threat or advantage added by 1.
Control Ebb: When making a combined Ebb power check, may spend FP to add failure to any checks made by engaged opponents until the end of the next turn.

Flow: When making a combined Flow power check, may spend FP to add success to any checks using the same skill until the end of next turn.
Control Spend three FP once per encounter to ask the GM a single "yes or no" question.
Control Ebb: When making a combined Ebb power check, may spend FP to add threat to any checks made by engaged opponents until the end of the next turn.

Flow: When making a combined Flow power check, may spend FP to add advantage to any checks using the same skill until the end of next turn.
Control Commit FD until the end of the current encounter. For the remainder of the current encounter, add FD to all skill checks. Each LP and DP adds either success or advantage to the check; each DP causes the user to suffer 1 strain and gain 1 Conflict.
Control Ebb: Once per session, if a target suffered at least 5 strain from this power, add Despair to the target's next check.

Flow: Once per session if the user healed at least 5 strain from this power, add Triumph to the user's next check.
Magnitude 2 Spend FP to exclude number of targets equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased from bein affected.
Range Spend two FP to affect all other characters at short range.
Strength The Force user may spend FP to increase the success or failure added by 1.
This force power allows a blinded character to see as if they were not blind. By communing with the force, one may feel the presence of others and see more than the eyes could allow.
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Heal / Harm
Upgrade Effect
Protect / Unleash
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect


E'ocenda was born, as with all Miralukan, Force Sensitive. She was quickly found and identified as such by the Jedi Order, before her fifth birthday. At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, she received training as a Jedi Youngling but was always distant from her peers due to her strange appearance, and eccentric personality. When Younglings eventually got selected by a Jedi Master, she was the only one in her class that was not picked.

After failing her Padawan initiation, she decided to join the Jedi Service Corps. She was assigned by the Council of Reassignment to serve in the Agricultural Corps and was soon sent to the distant worlds of the Outer Rim.

During her time in the Agricultural Corps, E'ocenda spent much time in solitude meditating on the nature of the Force. After serving the Corps for five years, E'ocenda felt a tremor in the Force. Unable to get permission from the council to investigate, E'ocenda left the Jedi Order and went on a long voyage of discovery throughout the Outer Rim, even exploring the Unknown Regions for some time.

After several years in isolation, E'ocenda returned to deliver a Holocron to Jedi Master Jocasta Nu, an old mentor, and friend of hers.
While delivering the Holocron to the Archives, she encountered an old acquaintance, a youngling named Iomhair. She decided to stay and observe his Padawan initiation. During the initiation, she was impressed by the youngling's natural connection with the Force and requested to train him as his Jedi Master.

After training Iomhair for a year, instructing him on improving his already impressive lightsaber abilities and Force connection, they both received an urgent distress signal from Geonosis.


Failed Initiate


Sith Lord (13)

Strength: Humility | Weakness: Worthlessness
Strength: Compassion | Weakness: Sorrow
Strength: Mercy | Weakness: Naivety


E'ocenda is 5'3 and 22 years old.
She has pale, white skin and raven-black hair.
E'ocenda wears a traditional Miralukan dress.
Her voice is small and soft, and she rarely speaks without necessity.
E'ocenda's build is very slender.

Other Notes

When making a Harm check may spend 4 FP in order to change to planetary scale

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