Growing up, Kendar had a knack for anticipating what was coming his way. Whether it was a simple swindling by a merchant or knowing which alley to avoid - Kendar was often able to avoid trouble. Most people who knew him thought it was simple intuition, but the reality was more than that. Kendar was force sensitive and it was through that sensitivity he seemed to always know where to go to find opportunity and where to avoid to stay out of trouble. It was through this sensitivity he also managed to always know how to stay out of sight of the Jedi. As a child he intuitively knew that discovery by the Jedi meant he would be whisked away from his family and friends. It would be a loss of his freedom and to an extent - the subjugation of his will. Though he had no particular reason to hate or fear the Jedi, he intuitively feared the loss of choice though whether this fear was influenced by his own wants or the force is something only Kendar would know.
Just before Order 66 that force sensitivity would become both a blessing as well as a curse. A mere days before the tragic end of the Jedi - Kendar felt the scream through the force as though it had already happened. Only an incredibly powerful blow could reach him that far displaced from time and he knew that the life of both himself and other force sensitives were in great jeopardy. He made *cautious* attempts to scream - to shout warnings to those who would listen but his screams went unheard. He was after all, a simple bartender and most just wrote off his prophetic visions as diving too deeply into the drink (which he may have done on an occasion or two).
The day before the wretched end, Kendar packed up what he could and hastily bought passage out of the core worlds with the dread knowledge that the republic and the Jedi were doomed. He didn't know what was coming, all he knew was that he wanted to get as far away from it as possible as fast as possible. It was then he felt a calling to the unknown regions. He couldn't explain how or why but something beckoned him to a greater destiny than he had previously thought he could be a part of.
Kendar had spent most of his life staying safe, wandering from place to place with no real purpose. For the first time in his life he felt a calling to something - and he embraced it.
Mystic - Kendar is influenced strongly by the calling in the force pulling him towards the unknown regions
Great Regret - Knowing about Order 66 before it happened has left Kendar with a sense of intense and powerful regret and he often blames himself for not being able to prevent what happened.
Strengths - Independent: Kendar is a firm believer of the importance of free will. For this reason he has strong disagreements with the Jedi (whom indoctrinate their young-lings) as well as sith teachings (the free will of one should never take precedence over the free will of another - also killing is bad M'kay?).
Weaknesses - Emotive: His easy-go-lucky nature often means that he doesn't hesitate to act in accordance with his emotions. That isn't to say he's recklessly impulsive - but he often won't suppress what he's feeling to make other's "feel good". This also means he tends to blame himself more intensely than others for mistakes he's made.