Artemis "Rhax" Thamne by dtdunn

Force and Destiny

Threshold 16
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 3

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 2
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 2
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 2
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Philaxian Phase-Knife
Pierce 4, Vicious 1, (Custom Grip (-1SB, +1Boost)
Pierce 2, Vicious 1 (AoR:182) Custom Grip (-1SB)
Crafted Shield
Melee Defense 2, Deflection (Ranged) 2. Magnetic Weapons tether (with mod). HP:3 of 4 left
Contained Energy Axe
Breach1, Concussive1, Vicious2, Sunder (Weighted Head w/mods +2Dam +1Concussive)(Custom Grip -1SB +1Accurate)


Weapons & Armor

Armor: Type III Berethron Modular Armor. Soak 1 Defense 1 R1250cr R6 Enc3 HP3 SoF:99
Utility Arm Armor Attachment (+1Boost to Mechanics, Mod done: +1 Boost to mechanics HP2 2000cr R3 FO:54)
Brooch/Protective Amulet (When active allows wearer to ignore environmental effects such as fire, acid and corrosive atmospheres. They always act as if in a standard gravity field and may breath normally, even under water and in a vacuum. Weapons with the Burn quality do not count as having that quality when used in an attack against the user)

Shield Remote (Bodyguard talent 1/round, General purpose scanner)

Cloak: Banal Apparel. NO soak/defense. Upgrades difficulty of checks to identify the wearer once. Enc0 25cr HP0 R0 DA:47

Weapons: (Ax/PhaseKnife/Vibroknife/Shield)
Contained Energy Ax (Weighted Head 2/both mods)(Custom Grip w/mod) Enc4
Philaxian Phase-Knife (Lightsaber skill, +1 Engaged Crit:3 Enc1 HP1 1500cr R8 Pierce4, Vicious1 When used with the Saber Throw talent, may spend Triumph or 2 Advantage instead of Force Pip to have phase-knife return to the wielder's hand. EV:42) with Custom Grip Attachment w/mod (-1SB)

Vibro-knife (+1 Pierce2, Vicious1)

Crafted Shield: +2Defense Enc1 with weapons tether and mod

Net Enc=

Personal Gear

5x Stimpacks 25cr each (Enc:0)
Comlink 25cr (Enc0)
Military Pouch 10cr (Enc:0, DC:59)
Restraining bolt 35cr (Enc:0, EotE:178)
Breather 25cr (Enc:1, EotE:179)
Binders 25cr (Enc:0, EotE:178)
Military Pack 60cr (Enc:0, adds 6 to Enc, DC:59)
Slicing Gear (crafted) -2SB to checks (150cr, Enc3)
Toolkit +1Success (crafted) (400cr Enc4)
15x Booster Blue
Climbing Gear (Enc1)
Utility Belt (+1 Enc)
Dataspike x1 (one in droid)(Enc1)
Species Database (Enc0)
Recipe: x1 Stimulant Potion.

Assets & Resources

Credits: 10 Obligation for 2500cr+ 500cr starting
Spent: 2775cr on Armor, Knife, Banal Apparel
Spent 205cr on Personal gear (see above)
Starting Credits Left over: 20cr
(See in notes section for current updates)

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Wanderer Scout Surveyor Droid:
B2 A4 I1 C1 W1 P1 Soak:5 Wound:10
Skills: Perception 3, Ranged-Lt 1 Stealth 2, Survival 3.
Hunter1 (Add Boost to all skill checks with non-sentient creatures, +20 to Critical's) 
Swift (No usual penalties for moving through difficult terrain) 
Base Equipment: 
Stun Blaster: RangedLt, Dam8 Short Crit- Stun Damage.

Added Equipment:
Added Equip: 

Backpack (50cr +4 to Encumbrance)

Dataspike (Enc1) x1
Catch Vest (Soak2, Enc0-worn)

Detonite x3 (50cr R2 Enc1)

Degan Explorations Syntherope. Enc1 5cr R1 EtU:49

4x Emergency repair Patch. Heals 3 wounds per application. Max 5 in 24 hours. Enc0 25cr R1

Crash Survival Kit: Enc2 (see below).

Enumbrance: 7 / 11


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Species Ability: Medicine +1, Dark Vision, 100xp DoH:12 -2 SB due to darkness
Gearhead Core -1 SB to Mechanics checks. Cut cost for Mods in half (Armorer)
Inventor Core Add +1Boost and -1SB per Rank when Modding items or Creating new items (Armorer)
Toughened Core +2 to Wound Threshold per rank. (Armorer)
Mental Tools Guardian book When making mechanics checks, always counts as having ‘Right tools for the job’ (+1Boost). (Artisan)
Technical Aptitude Core

Force Powers

Force Rating
Upgrade Effect
Base Sense 1 Pip: Sense all living things within Short
Base 1 Pip: Sense emotional state of 1 target(s) at Engaged
Upgrade Effect
Base Effect Flow: Recover 1 Strain for 1 Pip. Ebb: Suffer 1 Strain, 1 Pip, cause all in Engaged range to suffer 1 Strain.
Upgrade Effect
Base Effect Add Force Dice to Athletics checks


Often brutish, black-and-white thinker, generally introverted, defaults to mildly arrogant, not very good at seeing others views, but is not a bully. Does not assume command over others or make himself a leader. He has high demands of others in their capacity, but even higher of himself. Often declares that he is ‘above’ the mundane and trivial tasks, but then will often quickly starts to work and get involved in the dirty work, regardless of his declarations. Dislikes mess, disorganization, needless dirt, but will get messy to get the job done. He is a little anal-retentive and obsessive about his work; even to distraction. He doesn’t threaten or use physical force to pressure others, even though impressively built. Uses his physical strength to do his work, and he considers practice with melee weapons part of his work. However he has been known to enter battle or confrontation just to see how his equipment behaves. It is rare but in the past he has lost control and ‘snapped’, taking violence to far and causing more harm than intended. After those times he is often filled with self-doubt, grief.

Work goal is to set up a business, likely with partner, that is not so much for profit as much as for the access to resources/lab/workshop so he can pursue his interests along in a stable environment. Become an Armor Master. Craft the perfect Melee weapon. Craft the perfect Kyber crystal weapon. Use his skills to help in the over through of the Empire.

Artemis was identified early by his parents early as a force sensitive. As a toddler they brought him to the Jedi temple near their home world. He was lived and trained with the only Jedi in that remote temple until he was he was taken to Coruscant at age 8. However his teacher was very restrictive in his training and only taught him the more practical sides of the Force, particularly as a Guardian and Sentinel Artisan, along with the requisite melee and combat training. This restricted exposure encouraged Artemis’s ‘difficult’ personality, leaving him to focus on materials and equipment over people, and neglecting many aspects of the force which left him with an un-even training as a Jedi. There was an attempt at correcting this at the main temple on Coruscant, but he was never able to fully embrace and obtain the full range of jedi skills. However he was skilled in several areas of Jedi practice, and he accepted his role as more of a support person than as a full Jedi Knight. This also led to him becoming a padawan much later than most, and this was only due to the attrition of Jedi knights during the clone wars. (or: due to the relative scarcity of Jedi Knights)

While an excellent tactician and lightsaber user, his approach was often unable to handle the complexities and grey areas of reality, difficulty with grasping the standard ways of harnessing the Force, struggled with complex philosophical ideas and progressed slowly. When the time for his Jedi trials he failed spectacularly, twice. His failings were in the tests of insight and spirit, where as he was over-qualified in his test of strength, flesh and skill, often expelling at having his courage pushed to extremes.

Soon it became clear his path was not in the direction of becoming a Jedi Knight; so instead he was trained as a Guardian in the Armorer and Soresu Defender role. He however focused most on the creation and augmentation of Jedi equipment, armor and weapons as his mental capacity is as high as his social intelligence was low.

He did training under several masters, but rarely left Coruscant. During the peak of the Clone Wars he was sent several times as a padawan into major battle fields, often performing as well as some of the more experienced Jedi knights in battle, but then returned to his prescribed role in the temple. He was at the temple and 16 years old when Order 66 happened.

He was deep in the temple working a complex mechanical problem when the alarm was sent. He and a few of the padawan learners, younglings, as well some support staff came fleeing to his position. He soon got a call from his current master who told him to flee the temple, and leave Coruscant if possible. Knowing it would not be safe to try to go off-world immediately, he and a small group of younglings and padawans accompanied by a small number of temple personnel descended into the depths of the under-city.

Over time the number of his companions started to dwindle. Perhaps it was his dark vision or his natural resilience, but soon he was alone in the under-city. He continued to survive for more than a year deep in Coruscant, developing a a Eventually he was able to arrange for clandestine transport off-world.

Since then he has spent time in many remote locations, typically low traffic, working in many roles; as ships engineer, gardener, weapons crafter, medical doctor and trauma surgeon, and part of a security support crew working in the corporate sector. Currently his is on Tatooine, and as the grip of the Empire grows tight, so does his desire to use his skills to reverse their oppression, heal the damage done to the many worlds the Empire spoils, and support any resistance.


Motivation: Freedom: The absolute and autocratic rule of the Emperor is an offense to his core beliefs about governments and politics.

Weakness: Violence. His genetic propensity for harsh negotiations, as well as his training in the Jedi temple during the clone wars seems to make him find violence as an often used answer to his problems. Over the years he has worked hard to avoid this, to contain his wrath toward his foes, but at times takes his actions go too far.

Obligation: 10 total
5: Fame: Even though he didn't want to have the spotlight, he was made famous/infamous by a circumstances that forced him to defend the flippant and frivolous son of a major Corporate Sector executive against a sector Black Sun vigo, brutally maiming the vigo in the process. It was captured on holovid and while somewhat blurry, he was still able to be identified by the Black Sun. The son only make it worse by promoting the video among his peers. And since Rhax was employed by his father, a moment of 'fame' was the only reward he got. Even though that was 10 years ago he still works to avoid entanglements with Black Sun.
5: Favor: Later he was then saved from a Black Sun prison by the actions/funding of this same executives son, who now years later is a respectable member of society and business executive. Rhax knows from the culture of the Corporate Sector that they feel that he owes them for this.


Morality: 62
Takes the mantle of the Guardian, serving as support to the team, aiding in their protection (both in combat and in support roles such as maintenance of equipment, acquiring/crafting gear), and standing firm for what is right.
1/31/19: -1
2/19/19: +1
3/10/19: +6

3/12/19: +6

2/10/19:Beta conversion of XP +60

2/10/19: Gutting Guros +15

Research and Development: FO:Table1-1. Research, development and implementation of new technologies; repair and maintenance of current equipment; upgrades and modification of current gear; acquiring equipment and gear through legal and other means. He will expand his training in the Force to extend to the manipulation of the very elements of the materials around him, as the Force flows through everything he will follow, recreating the world as the force wishes. 

2/10/19: Force training +45

2/13/19: Station Work +20

2/14/19: Force Training +15

2/14/19: Force Training +45


35yo white-haired, white pupil male Arkanian. Short cut hair, clean shaven face. Brisk and straightforward personality, often called blunt and abrupt. Thick of muscle and intellect, but average in many other areas. Very focused in his areas of interest and ability. A man of military strength and training, but only military out of necessity.

Wanderer Scout Surveyor Droid: EtU:57
Equipment: Backpack, Dataspike, Detonite x3, Synthrope. Enc 5/11

Other Notes

Base XP 100 +10 Morality
40 Intellect
30/40 Brawn

Credits and XP Gained/Spent:
Current XP: 0
Current Credits: 119cr
Current Morality: 49
Downtime Current: 53
1/26/19: (Madkcat - Chataeu Picard Session) +10xp, -20cr. Spent: Sense FP 10xp. +16 downtime
1/27/19: (Namtab - A little Gift for SPETA) +2 Stimpack, combat knife/backpack/holdout blaster sold for 69cr, SPETA armband(stored), Vibroknife, Synthrope, +1750cr (carrying rope/knife). +15xp. Spent: Lightsaber #2 10xp, Armorer-Gearhead 5xp

1/31/19: Madkcat (Formos Another one bites the dust) +15xp. Spent: Mechanics #2 10xp, Arm-Inventor 5xp. (Madkcat - Another one bites the dust - F/Session 7)+1500cr. +Booster Blue x25 (8x25:200cr), -1 Morality
2/10/19: Downtime Purchase Utility Arm (1s1Trium total cost 1970), Specialist tools (3s4Adv to lower enc to 4)(Mod fail utility arm for strain/maneuver, -100cr). Crafting: (Precision tool: 3s1threat +1 Enc, 10 hours), Force Training (Ebb/Flow -5xp), purchased Climbing Gear (-50cr)
2/10/19: Madkcat (Formos Gutting Guros):+25xp. Arm-Tough 5xp, Discipline #2 10xp, Ebb/Flow FP 5xp (down from 10), Enhance FP 5xp (mentor)
2/12/19: Downtime: Utility arm Mod: 1 hour spent, 180cr
2/13/19: Downtime. Shop:CustomGrip x2 1150cr, Failed-Mod, used 1 Booster Blue. Work: -8 hours, +500cr +20 Duty, Mod second purchased Custom Grip (-100cr, -1 hour, success).
2/14/19: Downtime: ForceTrain (24 hours, Enhance, fail,+15duty), Shop:962cr for Remote. Shop:2x Dataspike:196cr (carry one) Downtime: ForceTrain (24 hours, Enhance, 1 Conflict, success)
2/19/19: Fulcrum (Alussia pt2): +15xp. Held.
 Survey Droid (-1250cr+1600cr.)
2/20/19: Downtime crafting:Precision Instrument: (1s2Adv, -2Enc down to 3, -1BBlue)
2/21/19: Purchase CatchVest (300cr, R3 for Surveyor Droid), Detonite x3 (150cr R2-in droid), Backpack (50cr-droid), Rope (50cr R1), Downtime working: 345cr +15Duty, 6 hours. Purchase: Species Database (150cr R2)
3/10/19: Eyecall911(Echoes of the Past) Parts to build (group loot 900cr) +20xp +32hr +5 Duty. +20xp=35xp: Spend 30xp for Artisan Tree, Artisan-MentalTools 5xp

3/11/19: Work(5hr+330cr+15duty)(3hr+345cr+15duty)(7hr+345cr+15duty)Shop(WeaponsTether250cr, Mod 2 Hours) Work (4hr+880cr+20duty) Session(Madkcat Return2Aduba-III+20xp+2000cr+32hr-2Stimpacks)Shop(Stimsx4-100cr)
3/12/19: madkcat (Force-Child): +20xp. Computers #1+2 5xp/10xp Hold 5xp.
 Work(3hr+440cr+20duty)(8hr+420cr+20duty) CraftStimPotion (1Fail:-400cr)(Success:1Hr+2StrainHeal+1WHeal-400-RECIPE) Craft(FailGrenade:4Advfor Decrease Diff for Next roll, 1Adv Boost for next. 35cr 2hr)(HealingAmulet:1SB to Recognize) Work(5hr+480cr+20duty)(4hrs+440cr+20duty)(3hrs+720cr+20duty)(6Hrs+480cr+20Duty)(2Hr+320cr+20Duty)(Failure +5duty-8hr)
3/13/19: Shopping(Fail -100cr)
3/19/19: Mod(for @william#1579 cost 50cr, gained 190)
3/21/19: Shop(7613 for Contained Ax,NPC shopper)(250cr for Weighted Head, 150cr for Mods x2)
Current Funds: 1008

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