Winch Galens was born on Corellia, to a family of shipbuilders. He lived a pretty normal life, until his father was laid off from the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Already an accomplished mechanic at twelve, Winch supported his family by setting up a makeshift repair shop and offering to fix anything and everything. Around his seventeenth birthday, Winch managed to secure a contract from the Corporate Sector Authority to work offworld and earn money for his family from the Corporate Sector.
However, Winch was effectively tricked into becoming a slave in anything but name. The pay was almost nothing, and the existence of worker's rights were laughable. The young Corellian turned to much less savory methods of sending money back home, by stealing starship components with a small "gang" he started and reselling them on the black market. One of his most loyal customers was an associate of the Tatooine crime lord Teemo the Hutt.
The CSA opened an investigation into the missing ship parts Winch's gang was stealing, and set up a sting operation. CSA agents apprehended the short-lived Corporate Sector Workers' Union, destroying the gang. Teemo the Hutt had other plans for two of its members, Winch and another spacer named Kira Listri. He bailed the humans out and took them to Tatooine, where Winch expects to pay him back for his charitable action...
Relationship - Place of Origin
Winch loves his homeworld of Corellia, and he resents its Imperial occupation, which indirectly got him into his current situation by putting his father out of work. He would like to return once he is free of Teemo's influence.
Favor 20
Once the CSA finally got the drop on Winch, unlikely help came to him in the form of Teemo the Hutt. Thanks to a few CSA officials on the Hutt's bankroll, Winch walked away from the ordeal a free man, with an "offer" of Teemo's protection on Tatooine. Of course, a crime boss never helps someone else out of pure altruism.
(+10 Obligation, +5 XP, +1000 Credits)
Winch stands at about 5'11", with black hair, deep brown eyes, and tanned skin. He is almost always seen wearing a blue mechanic's jacket with orange trim and a holstered DE-10 that he received as payment from a former Death Watch member, along with the signature Corellian smirk.