Frenzied Attackx2(20) |
AoR 97 |
When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number of strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times. The strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack. |
Soft Spot(10) |
AoR 97 |
After making a successful attack, may spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage equal to Cunning to one hit. |
Grit(2)(25) |
AoR 97 |
Gain +1 strain threshold. |
Stunning Blow(10) |
AoR 97 |
When making Melee checks, may inflict damage as strain instead of wounds. This does not ignore soak. |
Knockdown(15) |
AoR 97 |
After hitting with a melee attack, may spend (triumph) to knock the target prone. |
Improved Stunning Blow(20) |
AoR 97 |
When dealing strain damage with Melee or Brawl checks, may spend (triumph) to stagger target for 1 round per(triumph) |
Toughened(25) |
AoR 97 & EotE 78 |
Can +2 wound threshhold |
Natural Brawler(20) |
AoR 97 |
Once per session, may re-roll any 1 Brawl or Melee check. |
Dedication(25) |
AoR 97 |
Gaint +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. |
Defensive Stancex2(25) |
AoR 97 |
Once per round, may perform Defensive Stance maneuver and suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficulty of all incoming melee attacks by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Defensive Stance. |
Jump Up(10) |
AoR 97 |
Once per round, may stand from seated or prone as an incidental. |
Dodgex2(20) |
AoR 97 |
When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number. |
Feral Strength |
EotE 78 |
Add I damage per rank of Feral Strength to one hit of successful attacks made using Brawl or Melee skills .. |