Weapons & Armor
Mk I Katarn-class Commando Armor Enc. 1 (4) HP 3
The armor is fully environmentally sealed; resistant to heat, cold, toxins, radiation and other hazardous environments.
*Integrated Combat Scanner: Remove 2 setback dice added to checks due to darkness/ see normally in dark conditions. Enemies add 2 setback dice to checks made to intercept or decrypt data broadcasts.
*On-board combat computer that monitors the physical conditions of the wearer and any nearby allies wearing the same armor.
*Integrated breath mask with an on-board oxygen supply good for six hours of heavy combat.
*Modular Backpack System
*Integrated Gauntlet Vibroblade
*Increases the wearer’s encumbrance threshold by 3.
*The suit’s systems remove one black die from all Perception and Survival checks made by the wearer.
DC-17m Modular Blaster System: Default Blaster Configuration Enc. 3 HP-
*May run out of ammo with a 2 threat or a despair result.
*May equip one designated attachment at a single time.
*May swap designated attachments making an easy (1 difficulty) Mechanics check or an average (2 difficulty) Coordination check as an action or two maneuvers
Integrated Gauntlet Vibroblade Enc - HP -
*Innate talent: Quickdraw (Can be drawn or holstered as an in-turn incidental)
*Add 2 setback dice to locate when in retracted state
*Cannot do damage to a target’s strain threshold