H4-M5L1C3 by Anthleo28

Droid- IG Assassin
Hired Gun
Bodyguard-Personal Defender
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 17
Current 0
Threshold 11
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 2
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Will) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 1
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Heavy Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3
Brass Knuckles
Disorient 3


Weapons & Armor

Mounted Padded Armor- 500c
Heavy Blaster Rifle -1500c
-Forearm Grip- 250c
Brass Knuckles- 25c

Personal Gear

Electrobinoculars- 250
Scanner Goggles- 150
General Purpose Scanner- 500
Emergency Repair Patch (10)- 250
Backpack- 50c
Utility Belt- 25c
Comlink (Handheld) (4)- 100c
Comm Scrambler- 1000c
Binders (10)- 250c

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Enduring 1 Edge of the Empire, 77 This character gains +1 soak value per rank of enduring.
Toughened 2 Edge of the Empire, 77 Gain +2 wound threshold.
Barrage 1 Edge of the Empire, 77 Add 1 damage per rank of Barrage to I hit of successful attack while using Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery skills at long or extreme range.
Durable 1 Edge of the Empire, 77 May reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per rank of Durable to a minimum of 1.
Hard Headed 1 Edge of the Empire, 77 When staggered or disoriented, perform the Hard Headed action; make a Daunting (4444 ) discipline check to remove status. Difficulty reduced per rank of Hard Headed.
Body Guard 2 Edge of the Empire, 77 Once per round, perform the Body Guard maneuver to guard an engaged character. Suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Body Guard, then until the beginning of the next turn upgrade the difficulty of combat checks targeting the character by that number.
Defensive Stance 2 Edge of the Empire, 77 Once per round, may perform Defensive Stance maneuver and suffer a number of strain to upgrade difficulty of all incoming melee attacks by an equal number for the next round. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Defensive Stance.



Comrades: The character shows loyalty to those he serves alongside. This could be either the current group of PCs, former
military buddies, or business associates.


Dutybound: (20) The PC has a deep sense of duty that he feels compelled to fulfill, such as military service, making good on a contract, or following some sort of thieves' code. Unlike the Oath Obligation (see below), a Dutybound character has some legal or ritualistic bind to an organization or cause making it extremely difficult or detrimental if he fails to live up to that commitment.


Emergency repair patches are one-use items that mechanics can use to patch small holes in items or vehicles, or droids can use to heal wounds. The second use is more common. It takes a maneuver for a character to use an emergency repair patch on himself or another. An emergency repair patch automatically heals 3 wounds on a droid. A droid can use emergency repair patches five times in a day. The sixth emergency repair patch heals no wounds—the droid is so patched together that further patches would be useless. It takes a day for the droid's self repair diagnostics (or some actual repairs) to restore his body to enough functionality to be able to accept additional emergency patches.

Toolkits allow mechanics to perform most Mechanics checks to repair mechanical devices, and can also be used to "heal" droids. All of the
guidelines and rules governing Medicine checks also govern Mechanics checks to heal droids.

Electrobinoculars allow the user to see normally in low light or extremely bright conditions, and can magnify targets up to ten kilometers away. When using electrobinoculars, characters may also remove up to • imposed due to long range or poor light.

Scanner goggles allow the user to see normally in
dark conditions.

Most scanners are small, hand-held gear, designed to be simple and durable for field use by scouts and explorers. Depending on the model, they indicate the nearby presence of life forms, heat fonts, radiation sources, acoustic emissions, or any combination thereof. Some operate in all directions, displaying their results on screens or holodisplays, while others are directional and only give indications towards where they are pointing. The Cryoncorp EnhanceScan is a typical example of this. Small enough to be carried by a single scout, the scanner has life-form tracking, motion sensing, metal detection, and the ability to intercept standard frequency comlink transmissions. The motion sensing operates up to half a kilometer, while the remaining systems can detect targets up to a kilometer and a half, and the comlink interceptor can catch signals from much further.

Breaking free of binders is often a matter of either sheer brawn or impressive agility and flexibility. The difficulty of each restraint is different depending on make and model, but the most common restraints require a Daunting (••••) Athletics or Coordination check to escape.

Forearm Grip Mod decreases the additional difficulty of making Ranged (Heavy) checks with this weapon while engaged to an additional * (rather than **).

A weapon with Auto-fire can be set to shoot in rapid succession and potentially spray an area with bolts, flechettes, slugs, or other types of projectiles. The advantage in using Auto-fire is that it has the chance to hit multiple targets or hit a single target multiple times. Attacking with a weapon on Auto-fire is generally less accurate and the attacker must increase the difficulty of the attack check by ^ . The user may choose to not use the Auto-fire quality on a weapon; in this case, he cannot trigger the quality but also does not suffer the aforementioned penalty.
If the attack hits, the attacker can trigger Auto-fire by spending O O Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times. Each time the attacker triggers auto fire, it deals an additional hit to the target. Each of these counts as an additional hit from that weapon, and each hit deals base damage plus the number of uncanceled & on the check. These additional hits can be allocated to the target, or to other targets within range of the weapon. If the attacker wishes to hit multiple targets, he must decide to do so before making the check. Furthermore, if he wishes to hit multiple targets, his initial target must always be the target with the highest difficulty and highest defense (if this is two separate targets, the GM chooses which target is his initial target). The initial hit must always be against the initial target, subsequent hits generated can be allocated to any of the other designated targets. Auto-fire weapons can also activate one Critical Injury for each hit generated on the attack per the normal cost; the Critical must target the target of the specific hit.

Other Notes

Culminating with the feared and deadly IG-88 model, the IC series is infamous as one of the most lethal assassin droids in the galaxy. IG droids rarely meet an opponent they cannot eliminate, and true to their humorless nature, they follow the instructions for a particular bounty to the letter.

Droids do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and are unaffected by toxins or poisons. Droids have a cybernetic implant cap of 6 instead of their Brawn rating. In addition, after selecting their career, a Droid Player Character may train one rank in six of the eight career skills (instead of the usual four). After selecting their first specialization, a Droid Player Character may train one rank in three of the four specialization skills (instead of the usual two).

Since droids are inorganic, they do not gain the benefits of recovering with a bacta tank, stimpack, or Medicine skill checks. Droids do recover naturally by resting, as their systems attempt self-repairs. Otherwise, droids need to be tended to with a Mechanics check, using the same difficulties and results of Medicine checks for organic beings. Emergency repair patches can be used to repair damage just like stimpacks are used on organic beings. See page 220 for more on droid repairs and healing. Due to their resilient metallic construction, droids start the game with one rank in the Enduring talent.

Droids cannot become Force sensitive, nor acquire a Force Rating by any means. Droids cannot use Force powers, and also cannot
be affected by mind-altering Force powers.

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