Bodyguard for hire, Vidar's last client ended up upsizing to a larger security force, however this didn't include himself.
Life Debt: The character owes someone else, and owes them big. his life is in someone else's hands, and this debt requires him to fight. He may or may not enjoy this, but this motivation is so strong that it overrides his other desires.
Magnitude 10 A Score to Settle:
The character has always been rough-and-tumble, but somewhere along the way someone wronged him, and he never forgets a debt, real or imagined. This could be as simple as someone promising him backup who then disappeared or someone bad-mouthing him in front of a prospective client. Now, the character is always looking for ways to even the score.
Magnitude 10 Family for 10 XP:
The character has struggled out of the slime pits at the very bottom of galactic society with an almost pathological frenzy to escape everything from his past. And yet, some residual family obligation still remains. Maybe it is a younger brother or sister, or maybe a parent or close friend, but someone still cares for the Hired Gun, and he still cares for that person, no matter how much he wishes he did not. If some enemy or creditor were to discover these ties, they could easily be used against the character, and fear of this is a constant worry.