Adversary |
3 |
Upgrade difficulty of any combat check targeting (thrice) |
Durable |
3 |
Subtract 30 from Crits against |
Rapid Reaction |
2 |
Take 2 strain to add 2 success to initiative rolls |
Respected Officer |
1 |
May perform a maneuver to give all stormtroopers within Medium range 1 boost die on their next check. |
Supreme Scathing Tirade |
1 |
As an action (or for 1 strain, as a maneuver), make an average coercion check. Each success, one enemy in short range suffers one strain. For every advantage spent, one target already affected suffers one additional strain. Each character affected suffers a setback on all skill checks for 3 rounds. |
Targeted Blow |
1 |
On a successful attack during combat with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, the character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to his Agility (5) to one hit of the successful attack. |
Unstoppable |
1 |
If the percentile roll made when the character receives a Critical Injury is 1, or is reduced to 1, the character does not receive the Critical Injury and suffers none of the effects. |
Second Wind |
3 |
Once per encounter, may use a Second Wind incidental to recover 3 strain |
Rain of Death |
1 |
Perform the Rain of Death maneuver to ignore the increased difficulty due to Auto-fire attacks made this turn. |
Heavy Hitter |
1 |
Once per session, spend triumph on a successful Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery check to add the Breach 1 quality to the attack, or increase an existing Breach rating by 1. |
Parry |
3 |
When hit by a melee attack while wielding a melee weapon or lightsaber, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 5 |
Improved quick draw |
1 |
May draw or holster a weapon as an incidental twice per round |
Feral strength |
3 |
Add 3 damage to one hit of a successful Melee or Brawl attack. |
Heroic resilience |
1 |
Immediately after being hit by an attack but before suffering damage, spend 1 Destiny Point to increase soak by 2. |
Quick Strike |
1 |
Add a boost when targeting any PC that has not yet acted this encounter. |