Weapons & Armor
Nova's lightsaber
encum 3, hp 5
Two-Handed: Increase the weapon's damage by 1 and encumbrance by 2, requires two hands to wield
Disguised: Add a Setback die to other characters' checks to identify the lightsaber hilt while it is not ignited
Cresh "Luck" Armor
Soak 2, emcum 4, hp 1
Add 1 advantage result to Vigilance checks.
Lucky blaster
emcum 1, hp 2
When a character uses a single maneuver with a lucky blaster to aim, they gain 2 boost dice on their next combat check, they may not use their second maneuver to aim again.
Personal Gear
Hilt-Masking Kit
Base Modifier: Add 2 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber.
Mod Options: 2x "Add 1 automatic failure result to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber."
Overcharged Power Cell
Base Modifier: May spend advantage results to increase damage dealt by 1. Rolling 2 disadvantages may reduce damage dealt by 1.
Extended Hilt
Base Modifier: Damage +1
Mod Options: 1x "Vicious +1"
Earbud Comlink
Usable at long range.
Noticing the earbud comlink requires a Hard (3 difficulty) Perception check.
Utility Belt
The belt grants +1 to a character's encumbrance threshold.
Encum 2
One may perform a medical check without penalty. It adds 1 boost die to these checks. It also has a supply of 1 stimpack per encounter.
This item grants +4 to a character's encumbrance threshold.
Spray Plasto-Cast
Make an easy (♦) medicine check to apply the spray to a limb that has been crippled or disabled due to a critical injury. If successful, the injury heals automatically after one week.
8 Stimpack
Using a stimpack heals 5 wounds for the first application, 4 on the next and so on. It takes 24 hours for stimpacks to perform at full effectiveness again, after the last application.