Molin spent many years in the underworld cities of Elom attending one of the planet's finest scientific universities. Like many of his peers, he was so engaged in his studies that the Galactic Civil War simmering above his head seemed of little importance.
All of that changed when Alderaan was destroyed. The Elom had relied on the mass of their planet above to shield them from Imperial oppression, but if that Empire could crack entire worlds open like eggs, such isolation would no longer protect them. Molin was among the first to volunteer for the Rebellion.
Innovation: Technological Necessity
While the Death Star has been destroyed, Molin fears that the Empire is not finished building weapons of planetary destruction. He will zealously pursue any rumors of Imperial secret projects, and is always on the lookout for advances in Planetary Shielding or defense.
No more worlds can be permitted to suffer the same fate as Alderaan.
Sabotage - 0
Molin is, like many of his fellow Elom, a champion digger and excavator. His species brings a unique perspective on "undermining" the Empire to the Rebellion. Molin, a Geologist by training, considers himself an expert on bringing down large facilities and is eager to prove it to the Alliance.