Malfoy by MyName1sNobody

Prophet, Makashi Duelist
Force and Destiny

Threshold 13
Current 0
Threshold 16
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 3
Coercion (Will) X 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) X 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) X 2
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 1
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Pr) 3
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3


Weapons & Armor


- Double-Bladed Lightsaber: 6 Dam, 2 Crit, 2 Enc, 4 HP


- Armored Clothing: 1 Def, 1 Soak, 3 Enc, 3 HP
*Integrated Holsters : Enc +4. May holster up to 2 weapons of 3 Enc or lower in the armor

Personal Gear

- Utility Belt: +1 Enc

- Backpack: +5 Enc

- Earbud Comlink : Long range comms, Hard perception check to notice it. 0 Enc

- Lightsaber Maintenance Kit: Acts as toolkit and adds 1 advantage result to any checks to repair, craft or modify a lightsaber. 2 Enc

- Medpac: Perform a medical check without penalty. Adds 1 boost die to these checks. It also has a supply of 1 stimpack per encounter. 2 Enc

- Stimpack: Using a stimpack heals 5 wounds for the first application, 4 on the next and so on. It takes 24 hours for stimpacks to perform at full effectiveness again, after the last application.

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Congenial 1 Mystic: Prophet May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm or Negotiation checks or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Charm or Negotiation Checks, by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks of Congenial.
Rapid Recovery 1 Mystic: Prophet When healing strain after an encounter, heal 1 additional strain per rank of Rapid Recovery.
Balanced 1 When the character recovers strain at the end of an encounter, roll your Force Dice. Regain additional strain equal to white circles from Force Dice
Inspiring Rhetoric 1 Mystic: Prophet Take the Inspiring Rhetoric action; make an Average Leadership check. Each success causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend additional advantages to cause 1 affected ally to recover 1 additional strain.
Legacy of War 1 Old Republic Campaign Guide Sith add an automatic Advantage to all Warfare checks they make.
Grit 4 Mystic: Prophet/Makashi Duelist Grain +1 strain threshold
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric 1 Mystic: Prophet Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains a Boost Die on all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to ranks in Leadership.
Font of Power 1 Mystic: Prophet Once per session, may take the Font of Power action. Until the end of the encounter characters within medium range add an automatic Force Point to checks based on alignment.
Parry 3 Mystic: Makashi Duelist When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry
Intense Presence 1 The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to his Presence rating.
Resist Disarm 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapon damaged or destroyed.
Makashi Technique 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist When making a check using the Lightsaber skill the character may use Presence instead of Brawn.
Non-Aggressive Negotiation 1 Gain permanent Advantage on Negotiation and Streetwise checks when made against a target that you've not threatened or made to feel otherwise inferior.
Bandai Meditation 1 During a guided meditative ritual that takes at least 5 minutes, you experience visions of the past, the future, successes, and defeats, that instill great fear or hope in you.
Meditative Reaction 1 When defending against a ranged attack, you may make a Daunting (4 purple) Discipline Force Power check. The check is upgraded for every two success results from the attack. If successful, you may reduce the wounds received by 'spending' force points from the roll.
Duelist's Training 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist Add a Boost die to Melee and Lightsaber checks when engaged with only one opponent.
Feint 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist Spend a Triumph or 3 Advantages generated on a missed melee attack to upgrade the difficult of a opponent's next attack targeting character by ranks in Feint.
Defensive Training 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist When wielding a Lightsaber, Melee, or Brawl weapon, the weapon gains the Defensive quality with a rating equal to ranks in Defensive Training.
Makashi Flourish 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist Once per encounter, perform the Makashi Flourish action. Make an Average Lightsaber check, 1 engaged opponent suffers Strain equal to Damage and heal an equal amount of strain.
Makashi Finish 1 Mystic: Makashi Duelist Take the Makashi Finish action. Preform a Lightsaber combat check against an engaged target, adding Force Dice no greater than Force Rating. Spend Successes to add +10 to any resulting Critical Injury rolls.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Battle Meditation
The Force user directs allies in battle, making them more effective as a coordinated unit.

The user may spend Force Points to add one automatic Success to all checks made by a number of engaged friendly targets up to his Presence before the end of his next turn. If the user used any Dark Side Force Points to generate Forcepoints, reduce target's Willpower by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the encounter.
Upgrade Effect
Strength Spend two Force Points to add one additional automatic Success to affected characters' checks.
Range (2) Spend a Force Point to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control When making a Battle Meditation power check, the user may make an Easy Leadership check as part of the pool. If the user is able to activate the power and succeeds on the check, he may send simple orders as part of the power.
Magnitude Spend a Force Point to affect a number of additional targets equal to Presence per rank of Magnitude purchased.
Control Commit 3 Force Points to sustain the ongoing effects of the power on each affected target while it remains in range.
The Force user restrains an enemy, preventing the target from acting.

The user may spend Force Points to immobilize a target within short range until the end of the user's next turn. If the user used any Dark Side Force Points to generate Force Points, the target also suffers 1 wound per Force Point spent on the check (ignoring soak).
Upgrade Effect
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.

Special Rule: When guiding and shaping thoughts, only Force Points generated from Dark Side Force Points may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only Force Points generated from Light Side Force Points may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness, Other emotions, such as confusion, can be created from Force Points generate from either Light Side or Dark Side Force Points.

The character may spend Force Points to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting one strain
Upgrade Effect
Control When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend Force Points to gain Success or Advantage (user's choice) on the check.
Range Spend a Force Point to increase power's range by a number of bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Magnitude (2) Spend a Force Point to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased.
Control The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends a Force Point and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.


Malfoy was born into high standing within Sith society. His father was a renowned Zuguruk engineer, who had risen high in the Sith Naval ranks while overseeing starship production. His mother was a Kissai, from a noble family, who taught at the Sith Academy on Korriban. Expectations for him were set incredibly high from birth. He quickly learned he had a talent for captivating the minds of others, even without the intervention of his Force powers. This was recognized by those around him too, and it became quite evident that between his gilded tongue, family’s connections, and academic achievements he was destined for a storied career in politics.

Like many young, talented, and idealistic Sith, Malfoy’s goal was to one day hold a seat on the Dark Council. Though he secretly despised much of what the Dark Council stood for, an old way of governing the Sith and Empire. One which was predicated by narrow-minded old Sith, set in their ways and unwilling to break from tradition. He knew that this strict adherence to the established system was holding back the true potential of the Sith. Though it wasn’t until he discovered the teachings of Revan that he truly thought such radical change might be possible.

Fueled by youthful idealism and an ego instilled through his high-born upbringing, Malfoy decided in his own mind that he was destined to lead the Sith Empire through a rebirth and bring on a new age of enlightenment based on the teachings of Revan.



(Strength) Revanite: Because of his belief in Revan's teachings, Malfoy sees embracing the Light Side as necessary to become his most powerful self. Eschewing the Dark Council's long taught belief that the Dark Side is the only path toward power, and that the Light Side is a path to weakness.

(Weakness) Arrogance: Pride, among all emotions, is perhaps the
easiest to fall to a darker form. Arrogance mirrors pride,
but satisfaction in one’s accomplishments is replaced with
contempt for others’ failings. It is not enough to succeed;
the character also expects all others to fail.


Other Notes

XP Ledger:
-30XP (Characteristic Increase: Agility 2-3)
-40XP (Characteristic Increase: Presence 3-4)
-15XP (Skill Rank Increase: Charm 2-3)
-25XP (Skill Rank Increase: Lightsaber 0-2)
-15XP (Force Power: Battle Meditation)
-15XP (Force Power: Bind)
-10XP (Force Power: Influence)
-5XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Range 1)
-20XP (Skill Rank Increase: Lightsaber 2-3)
-10XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Control)
-10XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Range 2)
-10XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Strength)
-5XP (Force Power Upgrade: Influence Upgrade - Range 1)
-5XP (Force Power Upgrade: Influence Upgrade - Magnitude 1)
-15XP (Force Power Upgrade: Influence Upgrade - Control)
-5XP (Prophet Talent: Congenial)
-10XP (Prophet Talent: Rapid Recovery)
-10XP (Force Power Upgrade: Influence Upgrade - Control)
-5XP (Force Power Upgrade: Influence Upgrade - Magnitude 2)
-5XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Magnitude 1)
-10XP (Prophet Talent: Inspiring Rhetoric)
-15XP (Prophet Talent: Grit - Rank 1)
-20XP (Prophet Talent: Improved Inspiring Rhetoric)
-20XP (Prophet Talent: Grit - Rank 2)
-25XP (Prophet Talent: Gain +1 Force rating)
-10XP (Talent: Commanding Presence)
-25XP (Force Power Upgrade: Battle Meditation Upgrade - Control)
-25XP (Prophet Talent: Font of Power)
-20XP (Prophet Talent: Congenial Rank 2)
-25XP (Prophet Talent: Dedication +1 to Presence)
-20XP (Mystic Specialization: Makashi Duelist)
-5XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Resist Disarm)
-10XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Makashi Technique)
-5XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Parry - Rank 1)
-10XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Duelist's Training)
-15XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Parry - Rank 2)
-20XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Grit - Rank 2)
-25XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Makashi Flourish)
-25XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Makashi Finish)
-5XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Grit - Rank 3)
-5XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Grit - Rank 4)
-10XP (Makashi Duelist Talent: Parry - Rank 3)

Credits Ledger:
-1,000 (Armored Clothing)
-500 (Double-Bladed lighstaber starting cost)
-25 (Utility Belt)
-50 (Backpack)
-75 (Earbud Comlink)
-300 (Armor Mod: Integrated Holsters)
-400 (Lightsaber Maintenance Kit)
-400 (Medpac)
-100 (Stimpack x4)
-1,200 (Spice)
-350 (Lightfoil Hilt)
-1,000 (Curved Hilt Mod)
-300 (Fetish of Fear ingredients)
-100 (Standard Lightsaber Hilt materials)

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