Barveek Ot by OmNomNominous

Ualaq Aqualish
Shii-Choo Knight
Force and Destiny

Threshold 17
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 0
Melee (Br) X 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Defensive 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting
Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

Jedi Training Suit (Weighted)
Blaster Pistol

Personal Gear

Stimpack x5
Scanner Goggles
Binders x2

Jedi Utility Belt
-Three-day supply of food capsules
-Emergency medpac
-Jedi multi-tool
-Slim glow rod
-Aquata breather.

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Parry 2 F&D 100 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Toughened 1 F&D 100 Gain +2 wound threshold.
Second Wind 2 F&D 100 Once per encounter, may use Second Wind incidental to recover strain equal to ranks in Second Wind.
Conditioned 1 F&D 100 Remove ■ per rank of Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned.
Grit 1 F&D 100 Gain +1 strain threshold
Sarlacc Sweep 1 F&D 100 Increase difficulty of Lightsaber check by 1 to perform Sarlacc Sweep action. May spend 2a to hit additional engaged targets.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Move (Mentor Benkris)
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend F to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
Upgrade Effect
Strength 1 Spend F to increase silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrades purchased.
Range 1 Spend F to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Sense (Mentor Benkris)
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The user may spend F to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).
The user may spend F to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect


1) Always having had an uncanny knack in games of chance and having a sense of things happening before they did, Barveek didn't realize his real potential until his life was at risk. Flinging a grown man without even touching him has a way to put fear in people.
2) His presence in the force gave Barveek and his brother the upper hand in their dealings in the criminal underworld. However, Barveek noted that his anger fueled his powers, and vice versa. When one of his outbursts led to civilian casualties he realized that he needed to find a way to control his powers.
3) A member from the Order passing through had heard of the Aqualish seeking answers about his powers, and searched him out.
4) Emkur Ot, his brother and partner in crime. Left behind to fend for himself when Barveek left to join the Order.
5) When his brother was kidnapped by a rival gang, Barveek led a solo rescue operation to free him. Despite outnumbered and harried, Barveek found strength in himself to never give up. In the end he managed to get them both out, although not exactly scratch free.

Born on the planet Ando, Barveek grew up poor and shunned with his small family. Without a real future on the Aqualish homeworld, Barveek and his brother Emkur left the planet once they were old enough to survive on their own. They ended up on Ord Mantell. The planet was still recovering from the fall of the Empire, with criminal organizations seizing the opportunity to expand. A perfect place for a small start-up like the two brothers.
Over the years the two brothers managed to built a reputation, with Barveek's yet unknown powers giving them an edge in many of their dealings. The first time his powers truly showed themselves was in a life or death situation. Ambushed by a rival gang, Barveek near death, his desperation coupled with sheer fury caused him to unlesh a wave of force, which sent one of the attackers flying. The rest fled at the sight.
Barveek afterwards tried to come in contact with his powers more often, that's when he realize that they were easier to manifest when his tempers flared. So that's what he did, using these strange powers as just another weapon in his arsenal to get what he wanted. The more he leaned into his emotions, the easier it was to manifest his force. But he was also getting more and more emotional, the smallest thing could get him to snap.
Then one day Barveek ended up in a small argument with a shopkeep. Before he even knew what was happening, he had crushed the man under his own wares.
He realized he needed help, both with his temper and to control whatever this power he had. Putting out inquires to his network, it took a while before Barveek was approached by a person who explained himself to be a part of the New Jedi Order, and that they would be able to help him.
Barveek left on bad terms with his brother. Despite trying to convince Emkur to come with him, his brother was convinced that Barveek was betraying him. So he left him on Ord Mantell, and Barveek made his way to Yavin IV.


Power: The character wants to amass power and authority. His aspiration to rule may be linked to altruism or despotic desire, but in either case he wants to control both his situation and those around him.
Barveek seeks to fully controls his power and himself.


Bravery & Anger: 50

Bravery - The character's bravery is quite remarkable.
Whether facing down a charging rancor or racing into a burning building to save innocents, he is always willing to take risks to help others.
A big guy, Barveek has never been the one to turn and run from a fight. If someone has a problem with one of his companions, they have to go through him first.

Anger - Hot blood, however, can easily lead to hot tempers. The character is quick to anger, and what he cannot deal with face-to-face can often frustrate him to the point of rage.
Naturally aggressive, Barveek leaned into this emotion during his days in the underbelly of Ord Mantell. One of the main reasons for him joining the Order is to get a hold of his emotions.


30 years old
6'5 ft tall
250 lbs
Brown-green skin.
Brown hair.
Black eyes.
Yellow tinted tusks.
Wide set and muscular.

The Poor and Hungry: Barveek grew up an outcast on Ando, and learned to care for himself from an early age.
An Ancient Religion: Barveek barely even knew about the rumours of the Force and the Jedi before he was approached by the Order. He's still working on taking this whole ancient tradition seriously.
Desire for Understanding: Barveek has no real understanding what these powers are. His most desperate wish right now is to get them under control, and to know how strong they can get.

Other Notes

Criminal 5 - There's no guarantee that Barveek's background in the criminal underworld wont catch up to him.

Underwater Breathing - All Aqualish are capable of breathing underwater.

Environmental Conditions - Ualaq may remove ■ imposed due to dark conditions, but suffer ■ to Perception checks in brightly lit environments

Shii-Choo Knight:
05 [X] [X] [X] [X]
10 [X] [X] [ ] [ ]
15 [ ] [X] [ ] [ ]
20 [ ] [X] [ ] [ ]
25 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Starting XP 100 (Species + 10): Brawl 4 (-40) Cunning 3 (-30) Will 3 (-30)
Post Creation XP 30: Move Basic Power (Mentor Benkris Stabro discount -5), Move Strength 1 Upgrade (-10), Parry x2 (-10), Toughened (-5),
Learning the Ropes XP 15: (15 base) Second Wind x2 (-5+10)
It'll Go Just Like This: 30 xp Major Breakthrough/Mission Report (Anger leads to Suffering and I will lose myself if I continue down the path) Discipline 1 (-10) Sense Basic Power (Mentor Benkris Stabro discount -5) Conditioned (-10) Move Range 1 Upgrade (-5)
Gorilla Guerilla XP 15: (15 base) Grit (-15)
The Ecstasy of Selling the Auridium: +20 xp (base + report)

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