Aevlenne was born to quite the wealthy family; although they didn't quite sit on their hands to earn credits. Both of them were skilled pilots on both the planet and galaxy; as any other Corellian would be. They were paid heavily for their skills to transport people and goods, one might call them smugglers of a kind. Growing up she was taught by them how to fly; she found it to be her passion along with her parent's. She took up the business herself eventually, although not quite able to read people as well as her parents she was knocked unconscious and sold as a slave and had her ship stolen.
Although her spirit never broke, spitting and mocking her masters constantly, beaten and bloodied throughout her moments in captivity. Until one fateful day, a Rebel cell barged into the facility and liberated all of the slaves, including herself. Joining the Rebel Alliance in gratitude, although her primary focus was to free the Galaxy, so they could be as gung-ho as Corellia.
Freedom: The absolute and autocratic rule of the Emperor is an offense to this Player Character's core beliefs about governments and politics. He might, in fact, oppose central authoritarianism in all forms, yet see the Alliance as a "lesser evil"
he can deal with after the Empire is brought down.
Obligation(10):Debt: The character owes someone a great deal, whether that debt consists of money or something else. Perhaps the PC has a huge gambling debt to a Hutt, is indebted to the Czerka Corporation for his starship, owes a wealthy family for patronage, or has some other serious financial obligation. To make matters worse, depending on who owns the debt. even fully paying it off might not get the character completely off the hook-if the character can get that money, he can surely get more.
Duty: Space Superiority: As the Combat Victory-driven PC feels about troop conflicts, so this Player Character feels about ship-to-ship combat and naval engagements. To him, the war will ultimately be decided in the stars, and what the Alliance lacks in sheer numbers, it more than makes up for in the quality and tenacity of its pilots. Every single space battle is an opportunity to show the rest of the galaxy that the Alliance not only can win the war, but is destined to do so