F1ND3R was built from assorted scavenged parts by a young Jedi member of Explore Corps. Their job was to record data and assist in explorations by safety exploring areas their organic counterparts could not. They spent a decade traveling the galaxy with the Jedi as part of the crew. Just before Order 66, hi now Jedi Master partner, uploaded something for F1ND3R's memory cortex and locked it away, tasking F1ND3R with keeping it safe. When Order 66 happened, the last thing F1ND3R remembers was being put into a hidden compartment on the ship and powered down.
Wanderlust - F1ND3R's core programming drives them to explore the galaxy and record as much data as they can.
Droid Rights - F1ND3R believes that droids should be accepted as full members of galactic society, not merely tools or servants.