Ilin has nothing special for a backstory. He was born the Force knows where,but he was sold at a young age to settle a debt to the Hutt Cartel. Maybe his parents have messed up once, badly, and this was the only way to get out of it. Maybe they panicked and this was the only solution they could think of. All he retained from his old family was a small plush toy, and a memory of a planet, something he would hopefully recognize once more - too bad he had no idea what planet it actually was.
Fortunately, the Hutts are known for their generosity, so only a part of the debt owed by Ilin's parents was transferred to him personally, and they even let him to celebrate his sixth birthday before he had to start to work off the sum owed. As a further symbol of their generosity, the Hutts never told him how much he actually owed them, only the fact that he needed to work only a couple of years now before he can go free.
He wanted to become a pilot or at least go to space, to go back to his family. What he actually had to do was work on the maintenance and the repair of the Cartel's vehicles.
Ilin, to gather a bit of a rainy day fund, started to use the tools and the workspace provided to him by his masters to fulfill small mechanic and computers-related tasks to third parties. He couldn't charge a lot, so he would take any assignment coming his way.
One day he was requested to hook up a racing speeder's engine to a civilian airspeeder. If he had thought this through, he would have realized that he was asked to help build a sleeper getaway cehicle.
Unfortunately, he was hurried, so he made some critical mistakes. He wasn't aware of it until sometime later, when one of the surviving gang members came looking for him, along with the rep of the Cartel - they realized he was using their tools to do third party jobs.
Ilin grabbed a backpack, shoved in a few stuff he could quickly pick up, and made a run for it. Time to get off this kriffin' planet.
Ilin has wanted to go to space as long as he could remember.
He also wants to trace down his family, so he will want to read as much as he can about the Galaxy.
Debt - 10 - to the Hutts.
Fudged up Repair - 5 - A small-time bank robber gang.
He is a bit shorter than the usual human, wears a catch vest, has a backpack on his shoulders, a bantha leather pair of pants and matching boost.
He is young, inexperienced, but is quite good with his trusty toolkit. He is quick to laugh and has a good sense of humour...or so he thinks.