When Padmé Amidala was near death and brought into the facility, it was Selif Xam who led the medical team to deliver her unborn children. Despite possessing limited knowledge of Human birth, Xam reprogrammed his medical droids to assist him in the delivery. Although Padmé could not be saved, they did succeed in saving her twins, Luke and Leia.
Dr. Xam is aware that their knowledge of the birth is an existential threat to his patients, and potentially to his fellow Polis Massan, and so has gone into hiding on a fringe planet under the name Utani Chune, an identity prepared for them by their colleague, Baten Kallea. Here they trade their medical skills to make a living, but their empathic nature means they often undercharge for their services.
Help the Helpless.
There is no being that does not deserve tenderness and care. Life in this galaxy is hard enough without adding to its strife.
Oath (10)
Utani Chune has sworn to the health of their patients in every respect. This includes keeping the confidences of their patients, as well as their physical care. One particular secret he carries is the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker. He does not know the full ramifications, but he knows enough to stay hidden from the Empire.
There is a general uniformity in appearance across the Polis Massan (Kallidahin) species as they lack facial features to distinguish one from another, and Utani Chune is no exception. His clothing is rugged and practical, with a worn brown coat over his Polis Massan Bodysuit, and he portrays a calm and collected persona that he sometimes uses to cover his true feelings.