When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Quick Draw
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.
When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
Force Powers
Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. The user may spend ◑ to gain SUCCESS or ADVANTAGE (user's choice) on the check.
Enhance can be used with the Brawl skill.
Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill.
Ongoing effect: Commit ⬡. The user increases their Brawn characteristic by 1 (to a maximum of 6).
Corrosis is a hostile world whose surface is covered by an acidic ocean beneath toxic atmosphere. No one would attempt to colonize it, were it not for the mineral-rich resources buried beneath the ocean floor. So, corporations have established networks of submarine domes at the bottom of the ocean, home to mining operations. This is where Cyan was born. He spent his childhood here, in an underwater company town, never laying eyes on skies, stars, or sunlight.
At a young age, tragedy struck when Cyan's dome experienced a critical breach, and acid poured into the mining facility. All the workers, including Cyan's family, perished in the disaster. Only Cyan miraculously survived, though only barely; the acid burned away two of his limbs and severely scarred the rest of his body below the neck. When Republic forces arrived to provide relief, a Jedi identified the reason for Cyan's survival. The young man was saved, apparently, by the Force.