Hue was nearly fatally wounded on Yabiim roughly 15 months after the start of the clone wars. Unable to hold his blaster, rather than waste a medic to be retrieved from the battlefield; he made his slow, arduous crawl through back to base. Two blaster bolts had made their way just beyond his armor into his chest, inches from his heart. Hue made little progress scooting across the wet mud and spent 24 hours crawling the 10 minute walk back to the closest republic establishment. During this time he's only thoughts were of survival until he stumbled upon his dead sergeant CT-2020 "Eyes". He laid there in a pool of blood with his standard issue combat knife in his shoulder and his DC-15 blaster rifle halfway through a BX Commando Droid's chest. After arriving at base he was then shipped back to Kamino. Hue made a full recovery and was then placed in cryo-sleep until further notice.
Extended Family: The character has a large extended family that he has a deep brotherly connection with. He seeks to find any information regarding other existing clones and records of what happened to his brothers.
5 Magnitude Oath for 5 XP: Hue has sworn an oath to destroy any BX Commando Droids he comes across
10 Magnitude Bounty: This character has a price on their head. For some reason, a nefarious crime lord with a fascination with the clone wars learned of a few surviving clone's existence and wishes to acquire them dead or alive for his/her personal collection
bald, tatoo of Galactic Republic insignia on high shoulder (covered by most clothing), six foot, likes to wear white laminate armor. Twin Blaster burn scars on chest.