Jai grew up as the younger brother in a family of rich Pantoran crystal barons who spent their time on Coruscant and in a pleasure liner traveling around the Core worlds. Tutored from a young age, he quickly became adept at the family business: sleazing businessmen and bureaucrats to court their favor. Where he failed, in his family eyes, is instead directing these skills at women. He'll spend entire weekends at bars trying to pick up women.
One woman in particular, though, is his only true interest in the galaxy. Frida Holosco was one of his peers in his tutoring group, spending times with other kids when he wasn't off planet. They had mutual crushes as children, but as she grew into more of a star, he found himself more and more in love with her the more distant she grew.
Eventually, he tried to court her favor... directly. He abseiled her apartment building, quite a feat given the weak upper atmosphere of Coruscant, and entered her apartment through a garden terrace. She told him she still loved him, but her parents didn't want her dating anyone, particularly a Pantoran who might court unwanted attention from the very sepciest COMPNOR agents who controlled all media on the Imperial capital.
At this point, guards arrived and chased him from the building, and a bounty was placed on his head. His parents told him to stay away from the family, and gave him enough credits to get to...
Ambition - Love
Is in love with the Coruscanti celebrity, Frida Holosco
Obsession - 10
Obsessed with the Coruscanti celebrity, Frida Holosco.
Bounty - 10
Wanted by the Empire for criminal trespass and stalking.
A young male Pantoran, standing just over 2 meters. His skin is like all Pantorans, and his silver hair, golden eyes and facial tattoos give him a royal quality.