Growing up as D'rak was drafted at a young age to the Zabrak millitary on his homeworld of Iridonia (Mid-Rim) after a vicious civil war had erupted in his region. He's known war his whole life , but he managed to marry and have a child. Unfortunately the Terror Forces , led by a cruel Nightbrother tribe , annihilated his unit in the 'battle of 1,000 hours' and D'rak , using he's survival skills , fled into the wild. The ordeal left him a scarred and an inclosed man. Battered and wounded , a group of Nym's mercs found him and took him hostage to be sold to slavery in the mines of Kessel. Disguising his true identity as a soldier , he waited for the right time to escape. When he managed to set himself free , he became D'rak the Bounty-Hunter. Working alone , and he's soul purpose is to collect as much resources as he can to aid his people and more-over - to save his family.
Relationship - Extended Family-Clan - D'rak will be pulled towards helping his clansman when he hears of their suffering.
SECRET Ambition - Greed - D'rak remembers why he's here - to collect as much resources as he can to aid in the civil-war on his homeworld.
Cause - The Weak\Charity - D'raks "wears a mask" of a bounty-hunter , but his true intincts of a former soldier wont let him pass by a person in need.
Dutybound 20 - Return to his home planet of Iridonia with enough credits , supplies and weaponary to aid he's people in their civil war.
Family 25 - D'rak's wife and child awaits him , struggling to survive. He will stop at nothing to be back alive to their embrace.
Physical Description -
Height - 6.4 feet
Build - Medium size , Muscular
Hair - Bald , with the signiture Zabrak Horns
Eye color - Yellow
Skin color - Grey
Scars and Tattoos - A massive scar across his forehead , brow and cheek , signiture Zabrak Black tattoos.
Personality -
Silent and inclosed , Tough and even abit sad.
When faced with deep emotions like empathy , usually reacts with rage.
Calculated mostly , tough impulsive when encounters a weak person or child being harmed , sensetive to the suffering of the innocent , but unforgiving towards the criminal.